I Did It! – Monday ~ Driving to the Picnic

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Saturday morning, I left the house and drove into town to the village park. Sylvia had gone in earlier to hold a place for the TASYL picnic. The TASYLs are a group of female Amateur Radio Operators from Michigan. Sylvia is their Secretary/Treasurer. Most of the husbands have become associate members, and we all enjoy the August picnic. The weather is usually nice and we have a lot of fun visiting with one another. The gals get together each week on their radios, but it’s good to see friends face-to-face. I was in no hurry to get to town, so I was taking my time enjoying the ride. The radio was off. It was just me and my thoughts riding down our road. The haiku came to me in Spanish.

Por el camino,
Viajaba sin prisa,

As I thought of you, I realized it would need to be also written in English. Around the bend and a little further down the road the English words came together.

Down the road I went,
Traveling without hurry,
Feeling contentment.

It was a very good day with lots of goodies to eat and lots of friendly conversation. On days like that, one feels particularly blessed.

Five Things ~ I’ve been tagged

I’ve been tagged by Ida at Losing Myself (http://losingmyself2.blogspot.com).

My first thing to do is . . .
Name 5 things in my purse — I’ll make that pockets. Guys my age don’t carry purses:
1. Pen
2. A mint
3. Wallet
4. A few coins
5. Keys to my car and our house.

Next is to:
Name 5 things in my work room (office):
1. Computer desks (his & hers)
2. Computer systems (his & hers)
3. telephone
4. Scanners — one optical the other radio
5. printers

Name 5 things that I always wanted to do:
1. Live outside the US (did that)
2. See Madrid, Spain (did that — several times)
3. Have friends around the word (I do)
4. Be a good husband and father (still working on that one)
5. Learn Spanish (not perfect, but not bad)

Name 5 things I’m currently into:
1. Serving my local church as a Sunday School teacher and Web Steward
2. Blogging
3. Serving on the District Board of Ministerial Development — Hispanic Zone
4. Doing outside sales for my Wireless Internet Service Provider
5. Listening to audio books

Amateur Radio Question

“Do you ever talk with anyone interesting on that?” It was a friend of my father and he was pointing at my radio. I answered, “I talked with King Hussein of Jordan once.” “Hmmph! He puts his pants on the same way I put mine on.” Dad’s friend was not impressed.

Some days you can’t win. Not that I was trying to win anything.

Perhaps he was right. That probably wasn’t the most interesting conversation I’ve had by Amateur Radio.