Closing the Sale

Since last year, I’ve been doing outside sales for my WISP (Wireless Internet Service Provider). I’ve done his Website since 2004 and now I follow up on inquiries and schedule installations. It’s interesting, usually fun and I get to talk with a lot of great folks in this area. Without applying any pressure, I ask for the sale. I’m not on commission, but I know what a bargain the service is. For that reason, I was very interested in an e-mail that my son sent me a copy of yesterday. There is a basic principle of sales illustrated here.

The message:

An interesting perspective from Seth Godin . . . [SETH GODIN is a bestselling author, entrepreneur and agent of change.]

The Panhandler’s Secret

When there were old-school parking meters in New York, quarters were precious.

One day, I’m walking down the street and a guy comes up to me and says, “Do you have a dollar for four quarters?” He held out his hand with four quarters in it.

Curious, I engaged with him. I took out a dollar bill and took the four quarters.

Then he turned to me and said, “can you spare a quarter?”

What a fascinating interaction.

First, he engaged me. A fair trade, one that perhaps even benefited me, not him.

Now, we have a relationship. Now, he knows I have a quarter (in my hand, even). So his next request is much more difficult to turn down. If he had just walked up to me and said, “can you spare a quarter,” he would have been invisible.

Too often, we close the sale before we even open it.

Interact first, sell second.

President, Great Lakes Marine

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About Chuck

I am retired after a career in electronics and in publishing. Today, my wife of 50+ years, Sylvia, and I live in a house on a hill beside a dirt road in rural west Michigan. We enjoy living in this country environment where livestock and wild life out number the human population.

2 thoughts on “Closing the Sale

  1. You always make me think. I suppose that’s why I’m always drawn to your posts on certain days Secondary Roads…….

    Steady On
    Reggie Girl

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