Contest Time

Once more you are given the opportunity to win 500 EC credits and the much-coveted Tommy Toe Award. The inspiration for this contest came from my sister, Clara, who saw in a word verification  “Teddiabs.” She saw this as coming from Teddy (as in Teddy Bear) and Abs (as in tummy muscles). Teddy Bears usual have one large smooth mound for a tummy and not the ripped muscles of an exercise fanatic. She claimed to have those “Teddiabs.”
I’ve been saving verification words since then with the idea of sponsoring this contest. The idea is to choose 3 words from the list of 15 and tell the readers of Secondary Roads and the commissioners what those words mean. Here is an example: “Ricult” This word, an adjective, comes from Ridiculous (laughable) and Occult (hidden). It means something that is so ridiculous that it is kept hidden.
Here is the list of words:

Choose three words from the list above. Be creative. Your three words can be what ever you say they are (noun, verb, adjective, etc.). Tell us where it comes from (derivation) and what it means. You have until noon Monday, November 2 to file your entry as a comment to this post.

 After that, the Secondary Road Commissioners will decide who, in their opinion, has filed the most clever entry. The winner will be announced next week and will receive 500 Entrecard credits and the Tommy-Toe Award. Good luck!

This entry was posted in contest, Tommy Toe by Chuck. Bookmark the permalink.

About Chuck

I am retired after a career in electronics and in publishing. Today, my wife of 50+ years, Sylvia, and I live in a house on a hill beside a dirt road in rural west Michigan. We enjoy living in this country environment where livestock and wild life out number the human population.

13 thoughts on “Contest Time

  1. Hobbing – Combination of Hobnob and Bing Crosby. Getting together with a group of friends to go crazy with Christmas and listen to hours and hours of Bing Crosby music while drinking hot toddies, spiked egg nog and trying not to trip over the tree lights.

    Furamed – The state of extreme frustration when one needs to go to Walgreens at 2:00am for overpriced cold medicine in the hopes of achieving at least a partially sleep filled night.

    Fardsake – A "special" sake served at barbeques. One can only imagine at the mysterious component derived from Fards.

  2. deranter…this is a wine flask shaped like a small pistol (deringer + decanter)–it is rather small as it only holds 2 shots.

    hobbing…a fun game played by trolls at Halloween, basically bobbing for apples, but using hobbits (hobbit + bobbing). Note: hobbits are known for being crunchy on the outside and soft inside… the perfect after school troll treat.

    Liggingi…this is when the coolest animal on earth has a serious dental issue (liger + gingivitis)–easily treated and easily avoided…hello, anyone heard of FLOSSING!

  3. Hobbing – Partially stifled socializing usually practiced by shy people. When one eliminates the nobbing this is all that remains.

    Blispol – A mood enhancing substance available in most stores. Or find it on the internet by Google-ing chocolate.

    Felums – Cat treats for picky cats. Felums are available in a wide variety of flavors. "FELines find them yUMmy!

  4. Ha! This sounds like a great exercise to keep minds limber. Every year that goes by reminds me that I need to keep my brain in tip top shape. I can't remember why I've gone into the next room and end up going back and forth a couple of times before I finally remember.

  5. Deranter (dee-ran-ter) This is turning up the volume on my Ipod when Em's going nuts about some teenage girl issue–you know, like how much she hates her algebra teacher or how Caroline said something mean to her or that her nail polish is chipped.

    Hobbing (Hobb-ing) The act of sitting on the couch, applying the blanket, and softly patting your lap hoping to entice Hobbes to leave his basket by the fireplace to come sit on your lap. This is usually successful if you talk sweetly to Orange Stripeyness.

    Furamed (Fur-a-med) This is the uncanny ability of cats to heal their wounds and take care of everyday grooming with the mere application of cat spit. It cleans the gentle parts (unmentionables), yet works magic on those typical cat scratches and bug bites. Soft, yet strong.

  6. Okay, Chuck. My entries:

    Carkyr –n. (deriv: western Appalachia) attention to one's vehicle. "Junior Junior's garage gives the best carkyr hyrabouts.

    Furamed –n. (pharmaceutical shorthand) generic diuretic. "The pharmacist filled my script for furamed."

    Slyte –n. tricky expression of disrespect, so smooth that the recipient doesn't know he's been insulted.
    –v.t. (-d, slyting) the act of showing such disrespect. "Junior Junior's garage is the best in these parts." (As, it is the only garage in these parts, hence Junior has been "slyted.")

  7. Justine, You can do it. I know you can, and I'm waiting to see your entry. Please.

    Split Rock, I'm hoping that it will be fun. You are going to give it a shot, aren't you?

    Pricilla, I see the theme there, and everybody adores Hobbes.

    David, Now those are clever.

    Lin, Time's a wastin'.

  8. Hello fellow Michigander…
    -Mitzinc are mittens made out of zinc. They are quite heavy and not terribly warm.
    -Adilax is an ad that is so bad it makes you feel like you just took a bunch of laxative. Ugh.
    -Geocks are geology based socks. These socks have pictures of rocks all over them.

  9. Hobbing – when Lin's cat Hobbes steals all the food

    Furamed – when Lin's cat Hobbes has to go to the doctor after eating all of the food

    Slyte – what all the other cats feel because Lin's cat Hobbes has eaten all the food.

    I am not sure I met all the rules but it's National Cat Day so I went with a theme.

  10. Oh geez, a blog post that makes me actually use my brain? I think I'm going to have to come back to this one!

    Justine 😮 )

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