Cool Mama Contest

It started with Lin announcing the Dork Off II Contest. This has brought those of us who are addicted to the Duck and Wheel a lot of entertainment and more than a few laughs. In follow-up correspondence, Lin suggested a contest for Secondary Roads. That gal really is brilliant!

The weather has particularly cold lately. Perhaps we need something to heat things up a bit. Nothing like a conversation about mothers to raise the temperature.

My mother in 1936

For that reason, and no better excuse, Secondary Roads announces the First Cool Mama Contest. Send me an e-mail (chuck at with a picture of your cool mama with a little story — or I’ll make up one for you. Get them to me by Monday (1/18) noon Eastern Time.

Starting next Tuesday you’ll have a chance to vote for the coolest mama. Send your entry right away. You don’t want to miss this one.

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About Chuck

I am retired after a career in electronics and in publishing. Today, my wife of 50+ years, Sylvia, and I live in a house on a hill beside a dirt road in rural west Michigan. We enjoy living in this country environment where livestock and wild life out number the human population.

8 thoughts on “Cool Mama Contest

  1. Great idea. You know I've blogged a few pics of my mom already. I hope I can emerge from the writing marathon to enter. I think I have to do the paper route through Monday.

  2. oh, i have some old photos of my mom. she would so kill me if she knew that i was thinking about entering her. she absolutely hates her picture being taken. but, she won't ever know…mmwwaaahhhaa!


  3. Oh, I've got a corker! My mama is definitely hotter than your mama!! When is the contest gonna run? I've got to get my vote-getting post ready. I hear that works.

    I'm glad you are going to do this–I can't wait to see the entries!

  4. So now you are sending me rummaging through the old shoebox of ancient snapshots.

    So FishHawk files protest on your behalf; and yet it is clear that I should have won.

  5. You being such a good sport is a real inspiration. For after doing some digging, my enquiring mind has discovered that there was indeed a conspiracy to make sure that JD won the latest dork-off contest so that you wouldn't have to. Be assured that I have a filed a formal protest with both parties involved. For you have so little, and winning that contest would have been something.

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