Coolest Mama ~ We Have a Winner!

We had 9 entries in the Cool Mama Contest. Thirty votes were cast, and each mama received support. Most also received a nod for Honorable Mention.

So without further ado, here is the winner:

Congratulations to Lin (Pricilla points out the fact that she’s the one with her mouth open) and her Cool Mama, Phyl. Most supporters mentioned the matching outfits and red bows in the hair. Some declared that it wasn’t because of anybody begging for votes. In any case, Phyl won hearts and a strong plurality of the votes cast.

Honorable Mention must go to Patricia‘s mother, Dorothy. The concept of the ceramic cat facing north intrigued all of us. Go back and read the story if you missed it.

Thanks to Vanilla, Jo, Ida, PJ, Dawn, Sharkbytes and Clara for sharing the photos and stories of their cool mamas. They are beautiful, brilliant, sassy, strong, tenacious, adaptable, loving and — face it — COOL! It was a moving experience to read the stories of each of these mothers. Thank God for mothers and for loving children!

Now that the results are in, I can tell you that Clara shares her mother with me. It was really neat when she entered our cool mama in the contest so that I didn’t have to do it. Thanks Sis.

Maybe this summer we’ll have a Hot Mama Contest. What do you think?.

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About Chuck

I am retired after a career in electronics and in publishing. Today, my wife of 50+ years, Sylvia, and I live in a house on a hill beside a dirt road in rural west Michigan. We enjoy living in this country environment where livestock and wild life out number the human population.

11 thoughts on “Coolest Mama ~ We Have a Winner!

  1. Hmm, a Hot Momma contest this summer… Well, if you haven't been diagnosed as being terminally ill by then, you will be soon afterward.

  2. Congratulations Lin. It was a fun contest and I was glad that I could do a little Mom bragging. Thanks Chuck for the contest. And, a hot mama contest? Hmmmmm… That should be interesting 🙂

  3. Congratulations, Lin. It was a wonderful contest and I was delighted that my cool Mom could be a part of it!

  4. SCORE!!!

    I'd like to thank the academy (or the pallies from Duck and Wheel) who traveled over to vote for me and Phyl. I could never have won without you. Or my mom couldn't. Sheesh, there was some tough competition!

    And NO, I'm not talking here people! I am a BABY! I didn't start talking until the following week. Sheesh.

  5. Congrats, Lin. Thanks for a fun entry to read, Chuck. The cat bloggers would all have voted for my mom. I should have asked them to mosey over!

  6. Vanilla, and thank you for participating in the contest. I hope Lin will deign to share some of that cake with the rest of us poor unfortunates. 😎

  7. Congratulations, Lin. Your entry of your Mom, Phyl, deservedly takes the cake (or recognition of having received the most votes.)
    What impressed me about all of the entries was that these adult children all have a great deal of love and respect for their mothers.

    Thanks, Chuck, for a fun contest.

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