Corn Harvest

We heard the noise.  We couldn’t not hear it.  The noise filled the house and we could feel the vibrations.  Farm machinery at work.

I opened the door on that end of the house.  The inspector seemed to materialize out of thin air.  He had to know what was happening.  (Okay, every time I open that door he’s there looking out.)

Midnight watched as the harvester cut, chopped and deposited corn, stalks and all, into a farm truck.  As we watched they went efficiently about their work.

That corn will feed the farmer’s cows.  The cows will produce milk for your breakfast cereal, butter for your bread and ice cream for dessert.

We enjoyed watching the farmer and his men harvest the corn.  That’s our neighbor Meghan’s house in the background.

Midnight watched this for an hour.  I didn’t last that long.

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About Chuck

I am retired after a career in electronics and in publishing. Today, my wife of 50+ years, Sylvia, and I live in a house on a hill beside a dirt road in rural west Michigan. We enjoy living in this country environment where livestock and wild life out number the human population.

6 thoughts on “Corn Harvest

  1. Well that is very exciting to watch, if you are a kitty. Hey, there might be a rabbit or a deer that pops out of that corn!

    Kitties are such busy-bodies, aren't they?

  2. The sound of the fall coming early. Corn is so tasty at the fall festivals. Hope you will get some for roasting on the grill, with Herb butter, now I want some.
    I remember the end of the season and the cut down of the stalks. The fields looked so bare and the cats and kids had no corn stalk/maze playground. We went to the corn maze just before the time to clear the fields.

  3. An hour! Was he outside, and just watched? What a good kitty! Or was there a screen or window between him and curiosity?

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