I looked out the window and saw two, three . . . four . . . no, five. Count them. Five deer.

Do you see all five?
In previous years, that would not be unusual, but disease and a particularly brutal winter (not this one) have taken a severe toll on our deer population. It was a surprise to see this many. They acted very nervous. They must have seen me move in the window.

Exit. Stage left
The two on my right started to move. The rest soon followed. The one on the far left was a straggler, but was soon putting the motivator into high gear.

Hey guys, wait for me!
Then they were gone.
Pretty to look at, but I know people don’t like them in the yard for the damage they do. Well, if it’s deer or raccoon…or perhaps a pterodactyl….they are only welcome if they don’t destroy stuff.
It’s the same around here. They can be a road hazard as well. :badmood:
What a nice surprise for you and your neighbors to have these beautiful, graceful animals come in for a visit. We have been missing them here also. It used to be almost a daily basis for small herds to cross our property while heading for a large woods ; or to see a doe and fawn in our sideyard. Hoping that they will find their way back to good health.
I have mixed feelings about our furry friends. They are interesting to watch–but only if it is not through the windshield. They are a major traffic hazard in this county. :zip:
Five in your back yard is fine with me. Even one in my yard is ominous presence to the Daylilies.
I understand, Ed. During that brutal winter they killed a couple of my favorite shrubs. I also suspect that got most of our tulips. :badmood: