
I saw a photograph recently on VanillaSeven blog.  The image was breathtakingly beautiful with blue sky and a red kite barely visible.

 Read the article here.

If you were to characterize that scene with one word, what would that one word be?  For me, the word freedom immediately came to mind as I gazed at the photo.  There is the kite, freed from the shackles of earth and gravity.  Soaring high in the sky.

I thought of the kites that I had flown–both big and small.  I loved to watch them soar and dive.  It was great fun!  Then I thought of the the times when the string broke.  You probably know what happened–the kite came down.

The kite only flies when it is held (anchored) by the string against the force of the wind.  And as my thoughts continued on this theme, I realized that the kite in the sky is a metaphor for our lives.  We are anchored my ties of family, faith and love.  While those ties hold we are able to fly in the wind.  We can soar up to the clouds.  If those ties fail, we will return to earth–perhaps with tragic results.

How strong are your ties?  Do you keep them in repair?  You should.  I should too.

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About Chuck

I am retired after a career in electronics and in publishing. Today, my wife of 50+ years, Sylvia, and I live in a house on a hill beside a dirt road in rural west Michigan. We enjoy living in this country environment where livestock and wild life out number the human population.

7 thoughts on “Freedom

  1. Wow.. You put this picture into words better than I did. Thank you for a brand new revelation 🙂

  2. Marilyn, Yes it is. We all should work on keeping our lines and anchors solid so that we can fly high and free.

    Lin, They are wonderful! When you do, please don't spit on me. Thanks.

  3. I love VanillaSeven's photos. 🙂 Right about now, I'm wishing I was that kite looking down on everyone.

  4. Using a kite as a metaphor for our lives is a powerful image. I should work on keeping those anchors in good shape.

  5. Mom, Adventure may be a better word, but Freedom came to my mind first.

    Pricilla, It happens.

  6. Freedom is a wonderful word. Adventure also comes to mind.
    Flying high, being tossed by the winds, and recovering.

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