Midnight Monday ~ The Captain

Several of you are kept by cats.  Do you give them pet names in addition to their “official” name?  Around here, Midnight is frequently called Skeezix.  We also refer to him as His Nibs, Kitty, Lil Buddy, Big Boy and Captain.  Some of you may remember or may have heard of Captain Midnight.

I remember the radio series and the comic books.  The captain was a pilot in WWI and was called back to duty in a covert group in WWII.  There were always young people and plenty of action in Captain Midnight’s adventures.  I loved it.

Our captain isn’t always a good boy.  He can be a stealth raider and is always looking for adventure and action.  That is when he is not taking a cat nap.

So here’s a salute to you Captain Midnight.

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About Chuck

I am retired after a career in electronics and in publishing. Today, my wife of 50+ years, Sylvia, and I live in a house on a hill beside a dirt road in rural west Michigan. We enjoy living in this country environment where livestock and wild life out number the human population.

6 thoughts on “Midnight Monday ~ The Captain

  1. Rebecca, Those are nice names for Livvy.

    Pricilla, Right. But don't you think she ought to be in uniform if she's going to salute?

    Lin, Pork Chop, that's a great for your big guy, his orange stripeyness. Do you really not have a nickname, or is it that you just don't want to share it with your pallies?

    Marilyn, poor cats. Nicknames are great for kids–just ask Pricilla.

    Mom, Busted. Actually it is part of the Captain Midnight story. I'm glad you liked the eye patch. I've been wanting to put that on him (virtually) for some time. It so fits his character.

  2. I think you just found that salute picture and had to write a post where you could use it.
    Love the eye patch on kitty tho.

  3. Nice outfit on the salute-girl. 🙂 I'm afraid our cats must make-do with being called by their actual names. The nicknames are reserved for the kids.

  4. Oh, everybody around here gets a few names–even the humans. Joe is "Captain Obvious". Colin is "Ky, Ky" or "Inspector 12" (from his days at having to visit the bathroom EVERYWHERE we went) and Em is "Emu".

    Hobbes is "Mr. Jangles" "Pork Chop" or whatever else happens to be rolling about the noggin. Grace is "Gracie" or "Petunia".

    I think I am the only one who doesn't have a name. They don't dare. 🙂

  5. We also call Livvy "Pookie" or "Sweet Stuff." My husband is very good at giving nicknames. 😀

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