Grace Watches Me Photograph Milkweed


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About Chuck

I am retired after a career in electronics and in publishing. Today, my wife of 50+ years, Sylvia, and I live in a house on a hill beside a dirt road in rural west Michigan. We enjoy living in this country environment where livestock and wild life out number the human population.

9 thoughts on “Grace Watches Me Photograph Milkweed

  1. A llama named Grace? Oh, boy… I did know a dog by that name once. Grace was on our short list if we'd ever needed a girl's name (it was #2 actually. First choice was Anastasia Joy)

  2. Grace is a beautiful llama. Could you resist going to the fence to greet her?

    I remember playing with the milkweed that grew south of our property between Mr. Kelly's fence and the street. We made a hideout in the tall grass and pinched the milkweed out too soon. So gooey but lots of fun. (Don't tell Mom. We weren't supposed to play there.)

  3. It's good to see Grace is on duty in our absence but she wants to know where her cookie is!

  4. Oh, I hope my milkweed is sprouting this week! I have 3 little plants behind my shed. I leave them there because that is the only plant Monarch butterflies lay their eggs on. Gotta help those Monarchs!

    P.S. I like Grace watching you. 🙂

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