Happiness Award

Patricia at Subjective Soup has granted Secondary Roads the Happiness Award.

Isn’t it lovely?  Thanks very much Patricia, your kindness is much appreciated.

I’m supposed to tell you ten things that make me happy. Then I’m supposed to pass this on to ten other folks that make me happy. So here they are — ten things that make me happy (in no particular order):

1. Sylvia, my wife.
2. Briana, our granddaughter, who has become a wonderful person.
3. Our sons and daughter-in-law, Bryant, Barbara and Scott.
4. Wendi, Connie and Bud, who send me neat e-mails.
5. My sisters, Barbara, Clara and Maggie.
6. Sylvia’s father and siblings, Leon, Joyce, Karen, Bruce and Gay.
7. Midnight (our cat) when he falls asleep on my lap.
8. A walk with the camera in hand.
9. Sleeping on freshly laundered sheets.
10. A cloudless day in late summer

Ten folks that make me happy, and I’m borrowing this from Patricia, are my ten top EC droppers from the last month:

Opportunities Knock
Duck and Wheel With String
Photography by KML
The Horror Movie Show
Positive men
Cloud Musings
Space In Pictures

What makes you happy?

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About Chuck

I am retired after a career in electronics and in publishing. Today, my wife of 50+ years, Sylvia, and I live in a house on a hill beside a dirt road in rural west Michigan. We enjoy living in this country environment where livestock and wild life out number the human population.

11 thoughts on “Happiness Award

  1. P.S.: I hope Slvia didn't get into any trouble for trying to cash in the life insurance policies prematurely after reading my first comment.

  2. Matthew, You're welcome. Thanks for the drops.

    Sharkbytes, I love being outdoors too.

    Pricilla, I prefer summer too. (The arthritis doesn't act up as much.)

    Lin, Of course you make me happy. And now I know you'll never forgive me . . .

    Buggys, A cupcake would be nice.

    Grace, Everyone on that list had dropped an EC everyday of the previous month. FWIW, I enjoy my daily visits to your blog.

    Mommy Kennedy, Thanks.

    FishHawk, Thanks, and I hope you meant for passing the award on. I haven't yet passed on.

  3. Beautiful award. I am jealous. LOL
    By the way, congratulations for being one of my top 10 EC dropper.
    And thank you for constantly dropping on my blog. 🙂

  4. What??! I don't make you happy??? Gees, I'm bummin' I'm not on the list. Oh well, that's the first list I'm not on, so I should be thankful!

  5. Congratulations on your award.
    Summer will make me happy…it's snowing again and I am getting tired of it.

  6. Thank you for the Word Journey shout out. I try to stop by here regularly and I do read your articles even though I don't always take the time to leave a comment.

    Blessings to you and yours today and always.

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