He Hasn’t Changed Much

Midnight is no longer a kitten as he is in the picture.  He still loves to hop up on my tummy when I’m relaxing in the recliner.  It used to be funny.  Now he can me go, “Ooofff!”  In other words, my little buddy is a getting to be a big guy.

He’s still as curious as ever.  He has to sniff, lick or bite anything new.  Fortunately, a camera lens only rates a sniff.  Nothing good to eat there.  Not even worth playing with.  So he says, “Forget you.”  And he goes over and settles in beside Sylvia.  He likes it on her chair.

Oopsy!  Somebody had a wet nose.  Don’t you think so?

Anything new or different that comes into this house must receive a visit from the inspector.  He must know about everything.  I think he must have a tiny clipboard between his kitty ears where he keeps track of all that stuff.

Just try to sit in the recliner to watch TV with some food . . .  You will certainly find the supervisor coming in to inspect your fare.  Most likely he’ll want some of your popcorn.  He’ll only eat a few kernels, so you will share them with him just to keep him off your lap.  It’s a small price to pay for not getting trampled and harassed.

This Week

I’m writing this on Friday evening (8/12) as I anticipate the arrival of our son, Scott.  He is coming from out-of-state for a 10-day visit.  We talk on the phone every Sunday evening, and sometimes during the week as well, but it has been a couple of years since we’ve been together.  That will be great!

Briana is scheduled to arrive home Sunday night (8/14).  We are planning to get together on Wednesday for a special day.  I tell you more about that later.  I’m looking forward to hearing her stories from Mexico and to speaking with her in Spanish.  I’ve got lots of questions for her.

So there is a lot going on here just now.  I’m not sure how much time I’ll have to get to the computer, but I’ll do what I can.  See you soon.

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About Chuck

I am retired after a career in electronics and in publishing. Today, my wife of 50+ years, Sylvia, and I live in a house on a hill beside a dirt road in rural west Michigan. We enjoy living in this country environment where livestock and wild life out number the human population.

5 thoughts on “He Hasn’t Changed Much

  1. Make the most of all the time with your human family, and I know Midnight will do his best to be memorable. He's turned out to be a great friend.

  2. Have a GREAT time with your family!! How fun that Scott and Briana will both be there. 🙂 Oh, happy day!!

  3. A good family time is very important.

    Of course, Midnight must be one of the members.

    See you.

  4. Oh enjoy your visits. I haven't seen my brothers, sisters in law and nieces and nephews in about 4 years now and it makes me sad. I want to get a web camera for the computer when I have some extra $$$

  5. I cannot imagine going two years without seeing my daughter! I know you are looking forward to the visit. And my, how Midnight has grown.

    Today's verification word: saltr, a chef with a passion for using sea salt.

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