These finch-size birds are year-round denizens of this area. A pair of them nest near my office window. I can frequently hear their lovely song.
House Finch
Are you a sparrow?
No, there’s your mate clad in red.
Oh, how sweet your song.
Why is it that the males of the bird family tend to be the pretty ones? We humans do it the other way — beautiful females and plain males.
One explanation is that the creator did that for a reason. According to one account Adam asked God, “Why did you make Eve so beautiful.” God replied, “So that you would love her Adam.” Then Adam asked, “But why did you make her so dumb?” And God replied, “So that she would love you.”
What do you think?
I think I like the finch. The joke… not so much!
I disagree, I think the male human species are better looking. 😉 And dumb. HAHA
Lovely finch. I blogged about birds recently, too! It's so good to have them back again!
heh heh
We do have these here and they are happy little birds.
fyi: we're 200 mi. closer to Ind. this eve, but still a month away.
Good joke!
Okay I'm just guessing but here's what I think…
In the human world the male species tend to show off more to get a woman's attention. So I'm thinking in the animal kingdom you show off your colors. I bet the bird's saying… betcha you never seen such a cool shade of red before!
Lin, Not that much different from the way humans behave — or don't.
Shutterbug, Yes He did! It was a nice sunny day when I caught that little guy on the thistle-seed feeder.
First, LOL, God knew what he was doing 🙂 How absolutely wonderful to have these little ones perched by your office window. What a blessing. He is adorable, The color is so vivid and I love your photo.
I love the house finch call! I like how he 'dances' around his best gal, singing away. And there she sits–looking like absolutely nothing is going on. Ho hum. Those birds really work it!