We attended the youth group meeting. It was the teen youth group from church. at least that’s what it was 50 some years ago. The church has closed its doors, having merged with a nearby congregation. However, the young folk have remained in touch. And in recent years, we’ve gotten together just so that we can enjoy being with such fine friends.
Sylvia’s sister and BiL, Joyce (far left) and Paul (hiding behind the camera), hosted the group at their beautiful country home. Sylvia and Karen (another sister) assisted. There were 32 of us present.
Conversation within this group is different these days. Not so much talk of schools and careers. Topics tend more toward grandchildren and medical issues. Even so, it was a wonderful time.
My Caddy SG, Yes it has been great to keep in touch.
Vanilla, Maintaining some of those relationships has been easy as many of are now related through marriage.
Lin, You're just saying "rowdy" to make me feel good. Thanks! I owe you.
Rebecca, I hope he learns to listen to you. Those friends from your teen and pre-teen years will tend to remain your friends for the rest of your life. Even though time and space separate you.
How great is that! I bet you all had a wonderful time. I keep telling my son the importance of friendship. He seems to think everyone will always stay right where they are so "What's the big deal?"
That looks like a rowdy bunch! 🙂
How fortunate that you have maintained that set of relationships started, well, a while ago.
That's wonderful that the youth group could get together like that 😉