It’s Monday ~ It’s Cool!

The [nearly] two-week stretch of record high temperatures has finally given way to cooler air–closer to seasonal norms.  That’s a relief for those of us whose bodies were still in a “winter mode.”  (That does sound better than hibernating, doesn’t it?)

It’s also a relief for Midnight and me to have Sylvia back after a 10-day absence.  While she was in Florida visiting family, Midnight was never far from me.  (Perhaps he didn’t want me to escape as she had.)  Now that she’s back he’s content and I haven’t seen him since feeding time this morning.

Sun reflects of cat fur.

The black fur on Midnight gleams with reflected sunlight.

Last week as I sat here last week he laid beside me on the computer desk where he could look out the window.  The sun came out and the effect was stunning!  His black fur fur took on a transformed appearance.  I reached for my camera and captured the image above.

Another time last week, I was so engrossed in moving the church Web presence from MS Windows to Linux servers that I forgot my hungry kitty.  I wasn’t paying attention.  He cured that by standing on his rear legs and gently touching my elbow with his teeth.  It wasn’t a bite, but it did get my attention.  Immediately!

For the first time in 12 years there are swans about a quarter-mile from here.  It’s neat to see them.  Most of the warm-weather feathered friends are back in the neighborhood.  To me the sure sign of spring is the red-winged blackbirds nesting in the cattails on our lower lawn.  They are now here.  Life is good.

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About Chuck

I am retired after a career in electronics and in publishing. Today, my wife of 50+ years, Sylvia, and I live in a house on a hill beside a dirt road in rural west Michigan. We enjoy living in this country environment where livestock and wild life out number the human population.

2 thoughts on “It’s Monday ~ It’s Cool!

  1. Interesting method of getting your attention! Black fur can be interesting in various lights. Although I have to say that I’m not a fan of black (cover your ears, Midnight!)

  2. Well…a kitty’s gotta do what he’s gotta do!! Isn’t it funny how gentle they can be with those teeth when they want to tell you something?? Grace does that to me when I make the bed each morning–she plays with the covers and “bites” me, ever so gently.

    I love red-wing blackbirds. They are my favorite birds–so pretty and their call!

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