Midnight Monday ~ The Tale of the Tail

What tale would a tail tell, if a tail could tell a tale? As I compose this on Monday morning, Midnight is stretched out on my desk between the keyboard and the monitor. He watches with interest as my fingers compose this post.

More about those beautiful acrylic nails later. This is the tale of the tail.

First, a question. Does that tail look right to you?

Here a closer look. Does that look crooked? Well it is.

Soon after he came into our house, I noticed that about an inch and a half from the base of the tail it took a fairly sharp bend. During one of Midnight’s calmer moments, I ran my hand along his tail and discovered that the tail had been broken at that point. It healed crooked and there is almost a “knot” at that point. There is another break about an inch and a half from the tip, and a third midway between the other two breaks. fortunately, it doesn’t seem to bother our little guy.

I mentioned the acrylics — that’s what our daughter-in-law, Barbara, calls them. Last Wednesday, Sylvia took Midnight to the vet and she installed Soft Paws on his front claws. These are plastic pieces that are glued on to the claws. They are wonderful! We no longer are getting scratched on a daily basis.

What do you think? Are those okay? Sylvia considered getting them in hot pink, but in defference to the fact that he was born a Tom, she got plain.

Midnight’s Auntie Lin suggested that we get him a toy about his size with the same number of appendages. (Hobbes has a party pig.) Midnight has a rascally rabbit, or it a Wascally Wabbit?

While I have written this, Midnight has: 
– attacked my fingers (no harm done)
– sat between me and the monitor (blocking my view)
– curled up in a corner on the desk where he is taking a nap.

Let’s not disturb him. He’ll see you again soon.

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About Chuck

I am retired after a career in electronics and in publishing. Today, my wife of 50+ years, Sylvia, and I live in a house on a hill beside a dirt road in rural west Michigan. We enjoy living in this country environment where livestock and wild life out number the human population.

6 thoughts on “Midnight Monday ~ The Tale of the Tail

  1. I think you have been completely captured by a black kitty. His tail must have had one rough life before he found you! Never heard of those nail covers. Hope they work out, 'cause it seems like a great solution.

  2. He definitely has a little crook in her tail. Kinda cute. The acrylics sound like a great idea. I'd like to know how they work out.

  3. I'm with Sylvia on painting those bad boys!! Perhaps a neon green is more "manly"?

    Does he like his rabbit?? I see in the photo he is doing a take down on the poor thing and biting its ears. I hope it works. Keep giving him the rabbit when he goes for your hands. Believe me, it will work. Heh, heh…Auntie Lin. 🙂

  4. I have never heard of soft paws. How very clever! I had one of my cats declawed some years ago. Sometimes you just have to do it.

  5. Do those things hurt?
    They look creepy. I was wondering what was wrong with his claws in the first photo…"Looks like nail fungus or something?…"
    A lovely Midnight.

  6. If your experience is anything like mine with the "acrylics" Midnight will have them chewed off within two weeks.

    That's what Fred did. Then Fred was declawed. I HATE declawing cats and Fred was the only one I ever had declawed but the hubby said it was no claws or no Fred. THAT'S how much damage he was doing….

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