My Naughty Pet ~ Contest Announcement

Oh-oh someone’s in trouble! If you have, or have ever had a pet, chances are that precious critter did something that upset you. Am I right?

Around here, it has been Midnight pulling down the spider plant so that it ends up in the tub with a sizable amount of potting soil laying on the bottom of the tub. I haven’t taken pictures. I was too busy cleaning up before Midnight’s female attendant discovered the misdeed. Okay, I usually stand there gaping at the mess while Sylvia runs and gets the stuff to clean it up.

What has your pet done that would deserve recognition for being a naughty pet? (Spouses and children are not eligible to enter this contest.) Send your entries by 6 PM Eastern Time on Thursday to chuck at Entries will be posted on Friday, and the winner announced next week. All your blogger buds are eager to hear what mischief your pet has caused.

If you are the winner, you will receive The Tommy Toe Award. You can read about it here.

Pictures are welcome but are not required. Don’t delay. Get your entry in right away.

In addition to updating the Tommy Toe Award page on my blog, I also updated the Visit My Friends page. On the latter, I have short descriptions of my friends’ blogs. I invite you to check them out. There are additional blogs listed on My Blog List, which is located in the left-hand column. I’m waiting to hear from you.

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About Chuck

I am retired after a career in electronics and in publishing. Today, my wife of 50+ years, Sylvia, and I live in a house on a hill beside a dirt road in rural west Michigan. We enjoy living in this country environment where livestock and wild life out number the human population.

8 thoughts on “My Naughty Pet ~ Contest Announcement

  1. Senor Hutchinson,

    A few years ago, we adopted two adult male goats named Flame and Smoke from a friend of a friend. ( They were a couple of years old and still had their horns. Long horns. They could be a bit feisty and would sometimes hook you with their horns and liked to escape but were otherwise entertaining to have around.

    We can see our barn from inside our house but it is several hundred feet away. One day, during spring break, I could see someone down at the barn feeding the goats. I went out on the deck and hollered down a hello. That sent four kids scattering out of the pasture and racing away on their bikes.

    We didn’t mind the kids wanting to see the goats but wanted to supervise the interaction in case the goat boys decided to be naughty. I printed up a sign that told a little about the goats and invited visitors to come up to the house first if they wanted to pet/feed the goats. I put the sign in a sheet protector and hung it on the fence with zip ties. Pleased with myself I went back up to the house to await goat visitors.

    I went down to the barn the next day to find only the zip ties on the fence. The goats had eaten the sign and the sheet protector! They knew they’d get more treats and get away with more naughtiness if I wasn’t there to supervise.

    I never did see the kids again.

    P.S. The day you announced your contest, we had a jailbreak down at the barn. Neighbor Kelly discovered the escapees and quickly rounded up the three senior sheep. Brie Cow was another matter. She was enjoying her walkabout and she wasn’t going back in the field until she was darn good and ready. Poor Kelly really got a workout that day. I told Brie her punishment was to NOT be entered in your contest.

  2. My pets are actually pretty good, compared to some stories I've heard about others (oh watch, NOW TODAY they'll tear apart the house!!). I'll do some thinking and see what I can come up with, hmmm.

    Chuck, I can't believe I never added your blog to my blogroll!!! I am bad. I remember *intending* to do it a while ago… I guess I got distracted. I visit you regularly. 😀 You are in my Blogroll now.

    Have a blessed day. You sound like you have your hands full with Midnight!

    Rebecca @FreakyFrugalite

  3. Nice as they are, yes, pets can be naughty. Consider this my entry:

    Clever Dog, Stupid Trick

    For fifteen years my nerves were pretty much kept on edge by my companion, Spot. Spot would best be described as "mutt" though his vet graciously put him in the records as "shepherd mix." What kept me on edge was the dog's super-protective attitude with regard to his humans and their property. He would bite.

    Sunday dinner was a big deal at our house back then, and early one Sunday morning, Ellie prepared a Boston cream pie in two beautiful layers and left it on the counter when we went off to church. Upon our arrival home, we discovered in the kitchen and still sitting on the counter a one-layer cake, the filling still intact but the top layer completely gone. The dog did not want to come into the kitchen when he was called!

    (I have pictures of Spot, but they are all in old-fashioned albums on shelves back in Indiana.)

  4. Oh, my! Where to begin. I will have to have a pow wow with the governor to come up with just one.

    Are naughty farm animals eligble too?

    Have a great day!

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