My No. 1 Helper ~ Midnight

I have a little helper who loves to play with me,
And when he get’s in front of me I can’t see my TV monitor.

Kitty watches monitor
Midnight enjoys watching my monitor too

Sometimes, it’s funny  (when I’m just relaxing and surfing, for example).  At other times it is not (when I’m working on a project and trying to get it done now).  That’s also when I usually tell kitty that he “makes a better door than he does a window.”  Some times he shrugs (well sort of . . .) and walks away.  Other times he only get annoyed and then he let me know that he is annoyed.

An annoyed Midnight in front of monitor

Midnight gives me "the look" for interrupting his monitor viewing.

Why does he do that?  Is he really interested in what’s on that monitor.  I know, I’m silly for even asking such a question.

Personal Update

Too much time here at the computer is keeping my hand and wrist a bit sore.  Fortunately, the NSAID (non-steroidal anti inflammatory drug) that I take to ease arthritis pain also helps control the discomfort in my hand and wrist. 🙂

I’m still tweaking on this blog, but everything else from the Web hosting switch is completed and working well.  That’s on the home front.

I’m going to take it easy with rest and recuperation for the rest of this week.  Next week, I’ll start all over with a Web hosting switch for the church.  It should be a bit easier since I’m a bit further up the learning curve. 😉

I still visit your blogs, but am not commenting as often as I’d like to :(, but I promise to do better in the near future.  At least that’s my intent.  Midnight says, “Puuurrrrr.”

P.S. – As I was finishing this post, Midnight positioned himself between me and the monitor.  I leaned to one side and was able to complete this.

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About Chuck

I am retired after a career in electronics and in publishing. Today, my wife of 50+ years, Sylvia, and I live in a house on a hill beside a dirt road in rural west Michigan. We enjoy living in this country environment where livestock and wild life out number the human population.

8 thoughts on “My No. 1 Helper ~ Midnight

    • Thanks for returning the visit Helene. I have you in Google Reader so that I never miss one of your posts. What I read there really touched my heart today.

      • Hope you’re feeling better. Arthritis is the pits-had it for at least 25 years now. I’m on the heavy meds.

  1. I’ve got a helper like that too. Sometimes I just give up and go on youtube to see if I can find cute kitty or birdie videos for her to enjoy. She actually watches sometimes!

  2. Well Chuck,
    I am so happy you were so successful in the migration to the new WordPress structure on the new platform. Sound like the new desgn is not without the pain in change…sorry to hear your writsts are not holding out as well as your kitty is for attention.

    Looks like you are well on your way to happier days though. Glad I was able to help in what little I did. Sometimes a little encouragement goes a long way. I was just talking to a lady today…well yesterday now that said her daughter made a softball team in the 7th grade just because she was an encouraging person…the coach wanted that for the team.

    As for your efforts for the church…I’m sure you will hit a home run with that one too.

    Blessings – Robert

    • Thanks Robert,
      I’m taking some time off to allow the wrist to heal. I’m sure it will be okay.

      Your help to me was essential–I couldn’t have done it without you.

      Blessing back at ya, Chuck

  3. The furballs seem to really understand this. When Maggie wants my attention in the evening she goes and sits between me and the TV. Hope your wrist gets better. Love the background.

    • Yes, they do! 🙂 As you can see, it’s the same way here with Midnight, except he’s smaller and can hop onto my lap or up on the desk.
      I’m going to take a break for three days to see if it helps the healing. In the meantime, that NSAID really does help.
      I love that background too. I always think of you and your blog when I see scenes like that.

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