My World ~ Garden Time in West Michigan

The latter part of May is when we plant our garden here in Ionia County. We plant our vegetable garden on low ground. It is an area that stays damp through the heat of summer, but makes it vulnerable to frost at the beginning and end of the growing season.

So we gather our tools from the garage.

And from the barn.

Weeds don’t wait, so we remove them.

Then we till.

Put up fence and plant. (Landscaper’s cloth is an excellent mulch.)

Meanwhile across our lawn, the road and the nearest field, we see cows grazing contentedly. Next years steaks and burgers on the hoof.

Looking south, we see a corner of the barn, the garage and our house. Nice view from up there.

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About Chuck

I am retired after a career in electronics and in publishing. Today, my wife of 50+ years, Sylvia, and I live in a house on a hill beside a dirt road in rural west Michigan. We enjoy living in this country environment where livestock and wild life out number the human population.

12 thoughts on “My World ~ Garden Time in West Michigan

  1. I wish and pray that God will bless your garden to give you an abundant veggies. This natural foods could help our health and strong. Anyway chuck thank you so much for being my top 1 dropper.

  2. Yep, now that's what I call really livin'! We've got cattle and sheep and our own vegies as well.

  3. Oh! Love it. If I ever stay home in the summers I'm going to garden again. Of course I'll need a big fence to hold the deer and rabbits at bay.

  4. Wishing you a beantiful harvest Chuck!! I’m weeding……and weeding and weeding 🙂
    Rain = weeds and lots of them. But actually, I find it rather therapeutic.
    Still, there’s nothing like working in your own garden and enjoying the fresh fruits of your labor is there?

    Steady On
    Reggie Girl

  5. Gees, Chuck–for the size of that garden plot, do you think the BIG GIANT tractor is sort of overkill??!!

    I’ve got my one tomato, jalapeno, basil and oregano plant growing on the side of the house. We have turned the veggie garden into more perennial gardens–much easier to care for. I hate pulling weeds.

    That Sylvia has some knees! 😉

  6. Lilly, I couldn’t agree more.

    Donna, I like! God bless you my friend.

  7. Nice garden! You two worked hard! May GOD provide you with great veggies come harvest time.

    By the way… I love the phrase ” Next years steak and burgers on the hoof”! LOL! I love it! I have never heard that before!LOL!

    Some kids told me a cow joke…here goes…What do you call a cow with no legs?


    I hope you like!

    GOD Bless You Brother!


  8. Vanilla, As you can see with just two of us, we limit what we grow.

    B Boys Mom, Nothing better than fresh veggies that you’ve just picked and prepared. We make salsa too. Our tomatoes and jalapeños, but we buy the onions and cilantro. Yes we can. You might say, “We eat what we can, and what we can’t, we can.”

    — Chuck

  9. I love fresh veggies from the garden. We planted some plants this year. I wanted to make some salsa. Do you can any of your harvest?

  10. Nice garden plot. May it yield many tasty comestibles!

    (Our gardening has been reduced to tomatoes, peppers and cukes, but I do miss the thrill of bragging about the garden almost as much as I miss the home-grown produce.)

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