Ninja Cat Lurks

I’ve shown you how Midnight loves to hide on a chair underneath the table.

Is that scary or what?  He lurks, and he is ready to strike.  He may be under the table on a chair.  He may be lurking higher than you normally look.  So be careful!

Lately, as the day days grow shorter and dark arrives sooner, he hides Just past the doorway into the family room.  There in the dark, he is nearly invisible.

I caught him and surprised him with a camera flash.  Thereby I escaped a possible sneak attack from the ninja cat.

It was only fair.  More than once I’ve walked by his hiding place only to have him leap out and attack with paws around my ankles.  We do love to play.  Both of us.

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About Chuck

I am retired after a career in electronics and in publishing. Today, my wife of 50+ years, Sylvia, and I live in a house on a hill beside a dirt road in rural west Michigan. We enjoy living in this country environment where livestock and wild life out number the human population.

7 thoughts on “Ninja Cat Lurks

  1. That sounds like fun.I had a cat once that use to drive me crazy. It would come over and rub against my leg to be pet.(or so I thought) I would reach down and pet him and then he would bite my leg and run.Probably why it was given to us.

  2. Maxine lurks also. And heaven forbid if you leave a box of any size laying around. She just loves to play cat-in-the-box and jump out at you when you least expect it.

  3. Is it the change in seasons, perhaps? The kids and I have been racing around the house, with Livvy on our heels. We have a "circular" floorplan– if the front entry doors are open, you can run 'round and 'round the house! What fun!

    P.S. I'm pooped, too! Those cats wear us out, don't they?

  4. Oh, that Midnight is sooo stealth! 😉

    Kitties love all that running around and attacking, don't they? Grace ran around like a kitten Friday night like that…..and I ran with her. We were both pooped!

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