Play Ball!

My little buddy loves to play.  In the morning his favorite after breakfast game is peek and chase.  When he goes galloping through the house, it sounds like someone has let a horse loose.

Midnight usually starts by running into the guest room and hiding under the bed.  That is he tries to hide under the bed.  It doesn’t work.  That’s because he usually leaves his back end sticking out with his bent and busted (in four places) tail waving like the flag in fresh breeze.  It usually leaves me laughing.

Later in the day, he’s ready to play another game.  This usually means anything involving a ping pong ball.

Ping Pong balls are fun to chase and swat

Sometimes I’ll roll the ball to him, and he swats it back.  We’ll do that three or four times, and then he gives an energetic whack and takes off chasing the ball only to swat it again and again.

As you can see, trying to capture an image of this action is doomed to failure.  At least it is when I hold the camera.  Lot of energy is expended and much laughter ensues.  This is so much fun!

Then later, we need some rest.  I’ll get a glass of water and settle into the recliner.  My little buddy loves to hop in there with me where we both have a time of rest and recovery.  I like this part of the day too.

The boys rest after the ball game

We usually have the TV on while we rest in the recliner.  Don’t ask what’s playing.  We probably can’t tell you.

This entry was posted in Cats, Midnight by Chuck. Bookmark the permalink.

About Chuck

I am retired after a career in electronics and in publishing. Today, my wife of 50+ years, Sylvia, and I live in a house on a hill beside a dirt road in rural west Michigan. We enjoy living in this country environment where livestock and wild life out number the human population.

7 thoughts on “Play Ball!

  1. Isn't it amazing how much noise a running cat can make- and yet be so silent and stealthy when they want.

  2. Lin – Lots of fun here. Everyday.

    Vanilla – That is sad. You miss him when he's gone.

    Pricilla – The publicist is very wise.

    Cruise – We certainly do. That photo is not an unusual scene.

    Rainfield – More like companions.

  3. The publicist likes to cuddle up with a Farm cat or two. She thinks goats are too big for the couch.

  4. The pictures pretty much tell it all.
    My little buddy used to romp, but lately I have to carry him outside so he can…
    Anyway, if he survives the month of December, he will be 19. May be touch and go.

  5. Oooh, it looks like FUN at your house. I'm always wondering on how an animal so stealth can make so darn much noice thumping through the house like that. It's crazy!

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