Sightings ~ Life on the Lawn’s Edge

Wednesday, I mowed the lawn. I am not mowing it all this year. We are out in the country, and no cares how much (or little) grass gets cut. Okay, I keep it looking nice, the part in question is barely visible, and it’s far from the road. Unlike city lawns, we have lots of wild flowers (you may call them weeds if you like) and they add character and color.

One of the first things to catch your eye is Indian Paint Brush. At least that’s the name I know it by. Contrasts well with the grasses, doesn’t it?

It really does look like a paint brush. Such beauty — for free.

This lovely blossom starts with a pinkish tinge. It’s not spilled grape juice. Really, it’s not — even if it looks like it.

Hey look a customer stops to check a bloom.

Take a closer look. It really is more fun than mowing the lawn!

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About Chuck

I am retired after a career in electronics and in publishing. Today, my wife of 50+ years, Sylvia, and I live in a house on a hill beside a dirt road in rural west Michigan. We enjoy living in this country environment where livestock and wild life out number the human population.

9 thoughts on “Sightings ~ Life on the Lawn’s Edge

  1. Chuck… I love the orange IPB. That's also what I grew up calling it. Most midwesterners call it hawkweed though. Out west IPB is a completely different plant!

    And the English fleabane is so pretty! It grows in many yards here, and I keep moving plugs to my yard, but it is not happy in my sand 🙁

  2. The small orange daisy in England is called 'Fox and Cubs' – although wild and found often by road sides, it readily adapts to gardens and does well in well fed composted soils.

  3. How pretty! This week I noticed a patch of tiny wild strawberries in our yard.

  4. Is this excuse for not mowing the lawn? 🙂

    I'm just kidding. It sure is nice to see the creativities nature comes out with when you leave the lawn to them.

  5. Don't you love how nature just so of spices itself up every now and then! I love some of the plants that just come up willy nilly in the yard and garden–well, except for the dandelions. Good photos today, Chuck. And yes, I thought you spilled your prune juice on the flowers.

  6. captured that moment. nice photos. It must be summer now to see those red colored plants around.=)

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