Last Friday, Lin posted a pic of her snowdrops just for me. She is very thoughtful, and she know how much I enjoy these harbingers of spring. Our snowdrops are usually four weeks or so behind hers. Not this year!
After seeing Lin’s post, I slipped on my coat and went out to check the west side of the barn. That’s where our snowdrops grow. In the past we’ve had six or seven that would come up each spring. While I expected to see nothing, I saw 14 blossoms. Surprise!

Snowdrops in the morning shade.
I went back to check in the afternoon while the sun was shining on them. Well, as much sun as was not shaded by the two trees that grow in that area. They were open.

The snowdrop blossoms were open.
Another trio were also enjoying the bright warmth.

Basking in the afternoon sun.
Most of our crocus plants are gone. Probably eaten by burrowing critters. All of our hyacinths are gone too. We’re keeping an eye out for the one crocus that remains.