She makes me smile.
This is the second day of sunny skies. After an extended period of drab gray days. It sure feels good. And much good comes with it.
Yesterday, I received a call from the podiatrist’s office. The recent blood test showed a very high white blood cell count. They wanted me to come in right away. I did. I’m recovering well from the gout attack. He ordered another blood test.
I saw the results (online) today. White cell levels are back in the normal range.
Our friend, Vanilla, posted today. Looks like he’ll be released from confinement next week. I was feeling very good at this point.
A few minutes later, I was on my granddaughter’s FaceBook page. She had posted a short video or her dancing with her father. My spirits soared. What a great day!
I’m glad you’re feeling better. The good days seem to be especially good after a few bad things are over.
Good point, Ratty. It does seem to brighten the contrast.
I love when a bunch of good stuff all gathers together on one day! I sure hope the gout clears up soon. I hear that is really painful. 🙁
Those are the good days. Gout is very painful. Fortunately, it has cleared up. :clap:
How wonderful! All those things working together to culminate in a great day for Chuck.
Drawing: Someone got skillz.
Every day is as great (or bad) as you want it to be.
For drawing, check out:
http://www.photofacefun.com and http://photofunia.com. Very interesting effects generators on these sites. :clap:
Good news and lovely drawing.
That is a very nice drawing for sure. I’m so happy to see your brother doing well. I’m so glad that I got to meet him and JoAnn. He’s every bit as great as I suspected . . . and more . . . much more!
That was a great bit of news about everyone involved , and for it to all evolve on a beautiful sunny day is rather a miracle . ….Very uplifting for all.
Very uplifting. The sun is always shining. Unfortunately, we don’t always see. That may be a good thing. There is a beauty in variety and diversity. Yes, that includes days and weather.
Yeah! Maybe you’ll dance again too.
My heart is already dancing. :angel: