Tidy Cat

I threw the banner together using a couple of graphics programs.  The words from Print Shop and the rest from Paint Shop Pro.

As you can see, another Monday has rolled around and here that means the star of the show is Midnight.

It started a couple of months ago.  I would use the bathroom and when I was finished.  I’d lower the lid, flush the toilet and open the door.  Like a shot, Midnight came in jumped atop the stool and then hopped onto the vanity top.  He did this as I turned on the water and washed my hands.  He watched with total fascination.  Then he started imitating me.

First one paw and then the other would go under the stream of water.  Hey!  This is fun.  It has also become an every day game.  A cat has to keep himself clean and neat.  You’ll find it in the Feline Handbook of Acceptable Behavior.

I wait to turn on the water until he speaks to me.  Two of us can play games.

Midnight frequently laps some water from the sink bowl.  At times he will turn his head and lap water directly from the falling stream.  Still haven’t been able to capture an image of him doing that.  I didn’t know a cat would do that.  Did you?

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About Chuck

I am retired after a career in electronics and in publishing. Today, my wife of 50+ years, Sylvia, and I live in a house on a hill beside a dirt road in rural west Michigan. We enjoy living in this country environment where livestock and wild life out number the human population.

6 thoughts on “Tidy Cat

  1. I love your banner, pally!

    Oh, this is very common with these wacky cats, Chuck. My cats got to the point that this is the only way to drink water. Ugh. I finally broke down and bought them a pet fountain so they have constant running water. They are very spoiled.

    In case you are wondering, you can get one for under $30 at Petsmart.

  2. I've known quite a few cats who prefer to drink from a dripping / slowly running faucet

  3. No I certainly didn't, If I was to put my cat 'rocky' anywhere near water, I'd probably have my eyes scratched out.

  4. At least one of our cats – can't remember which one(s), now – used to do that. The one I'm thinking of would sit with his back end on the vanity top, and stand his front legs in the sink – so he was level, you know? Then he would lap the water as it fell. We had it down to a science after a few tries: I could get the water to drip at the same speed as his lapping. No waste! 🙂

    (Word verification: vishabl. Nice accent!)

  5. Nice banner!

    Midnight is adorable. I had a half-Siamese (not Livvy) who was fascinated with water. She would hop up to the rim of the old clawfoot tub, and walk around and around, fascinated by the water in the tub. Once I gave in to temptation and bumped her in. lol, bad I know!

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