We Have a Winner!

The judges had to work overtime on this one.  The competition was to write a caption for this picture.

We had five entries from four people.  The judges said it was tough as all the entries looked like winners.  Eventually, they decided that Briana’s caption, “Everything was going perfectly until the landing gear failed.” was the best.

This resulted in a problem.  Briana is my granddaughter.  Would it be nepotism to award her the prize?  The judges decided that the relationship neither explained her good looks nor her unmitigated brilliance.  However, Briana doesn’t have a blog on which to display the award.  (Briana, please feel free to post it on your Facebook page.)  And the competition was very close.

The Other Alice had submitted this caption: ” ‘South,’ he said.  Never asking for directions again!”  That caption seems to illustrate the observation of Sharkbytes who wrote, “The colorful male of the species is occasionally beset by the difficulty of telling his head from his hiney.”  How would you pick between those?

Congratulations to winners of the Tommy Toe Award — Briana and Alice.

Our judges, after coin flips and arm wrestling matches, gave the nod to The Other Alice.  She also receives the Tommy Toe Award.  It was a close decision.  So congrats to the winners, and thanks to all who participated.

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About Chuck

I am retired after a career in electronics and in publishing. Today, my wife of 50+ years, Sylvia, and I live in a house on a hill beside a dirt road in rural west Michigan. We enjoy living in this country environment where livestock and wild life out number the human population.

5 thoughts on “We Have a Winner!

  1. Blast it, I meant to type "Congrats," not "Contests"! ugh, Apple's autocorrect feature!

  2. Contests Brianna and Alice! Someday I hope to win the Tommy Toe award, but durn it I am lousy with captions. I enjoy the contributions, though!

  3. great captions! I saw the post but could not for the life of me think of something brilliant to say. my mind went blank. imagine that!! lol

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