We Have a Winnners!

No, that’s not a spelling error. The contest entries have been carefully examined by the Secondary Roads Commission. Entrants picked three words taken from a list used for comment Word Verification. They then defined those three words.

Opinion of the commissioners was divided. All observed that every entry had at least one clever item. However, some entries were better. Which was better? That proved a bit more difficult to decide. In the end the Commission chose to declare a tie and, therefore, two winners.

So here are the two winners in no particular order:

Pricilla for defining:

Hobbing – when Lin’s cat Hobbes steals all the food

Furamed – when Lin’s cat Hobbes has to go to the doctor after eating all of the food

Slyte – what all the other cats feel because Lin’s cat Hobbes has eaten all the food.

(This was submitted on National Cat Day. Pricilla also knows that Lin’s cat, Hobbes is loved by everybody.)

And Vanilla for:

Carkyr –n. (deriv: western Appalachia ) attention to one’s vehicle. “Junior Junior’s garage gives the best carkyr hyrabouts.

Furamed –n. (pharmaceutical shorthand) generic diuretic. “The pharmacist filled my script for furamed.”

Slyte –n. tricky expression of disrespect, so smooth that the recipient doesn’t know he’s been insulted.
–v.t. (-d, slyting) the act of showing such disrespect. “Junior’s garage is the best in these parts.” (As, it is the only garage in these parts, hence Junior has been “slyted.”)

Our winners are accordingly awarded the Tommy Toe Award, which is given in honor of my mother. They also receive 500 Entrecard Credits. Congratulations to Pricilla and Vanilla.

It may be of some interest that Clara and Lin were close runners up. Each of these two has previously won a Tommy Toe Award. They nearly had a second helping.

Thanks to all who participated. It was a spirited competition.

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About Chuck

I am retired after a career in electronics and in publishing. Today, my wife of 50+ years, Sylvia, and I live in a house on a hill beside a dirt road in rural west Michigan. We enjoy living in this country environment where livestock and wild life out number the human population.

6 thoughts on “We Have a Winnners!

  1. Lin, I thought Hobbes was the winning theme for Pricilla.

    Vanilla, You are welcome the award is much deserved.

    Pricilla, You are a good and wise goat. Live long and in peace.

    Justine, Oh yeah. I agree.

    Sharkbytes, Ah knew wat ya mein.

  2. I am one humbled goat. And on a day of Peace as well.
    Thank you very much. I will use my fame wisely.

  3. I am honored that the commission has chosen me to share the award with Priscilla. This was a fun contest. Thank you, Chuck.

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