On Monday, Secondary Roads announced “What Is It? #3.” The announcement said, “I expect this one will be the most difficult yet.” Your answers prove how correct that was. To refresh your memory here is the extreme close-up picture.
Bryant said…
I really need to know why you winterized/shrinkwrapped King Tut’s tomb? Everyone can still easily see his facial features under the plastic, next time try to at least challenge us!
Sylvia (wife of Secondary Roads) said…
Mikki Black said…
So, my first thought was
KLINGONS!!!!! Then I thought it looked like an elephant.
Then I thought maybe some sort of embellished jacket.
But it’s probably something totally common like a cat or a plunger or something.
Sharkbytes said…
Da Old Man said…
Close up of the first plant of spring poking it’s way through the ground. I’d guess a leaf of a flower like those purple ones. I don’t know flower names.
Justine/Justiney/Tiney said…
It almost looks like a bear print… on something.
Or some kind of seed pod?
Lin said…
I know you are nowhere near the beach, but I would go with a really close-up view of a dead horseshoe crab lying on a warm sunny beach somewhere tropical instead of here, where the weather is cold and stinky and possibly snowy again tonight.
So now it’s time to see what it is. And here is a heron that took a breather on a cross-country jaunt. I saw it out the office window and managed to get this shot.
As you can plainly see, no one guessed a wading bird on Secondary Road’s yard. Okay, the second part is not necessary. However, no one had the correct answer. The rules say, “the first with the correct or best answer. I had trouble deciding who had the best answer.” So after disqualifying Sylvia, I asked her to help me judge the answers.
The judges are unanimous that Mikki Black’s answer, “Some sort of embellished jacket” is the best answer and she therefore receives the coveted Tommy Toe Award. Congratulations Mikki.
Mikki does not participate in Entrecard. For that reason, the 500 ECs are awarded to Sharkbytes for her answer, “some portion of a raw plucked chicken, perhaps the side of the breast.” It is a bird breast.
Finally, kudos to Lin for taking us to the beach at a time when the weather in our part of the world was not at all pleasant, and to Bryant for creativity.
Special thanks to all who participated. Be sure to watch for another contest next month.
So, I don’t get it… why weren’t there feathers on the heron’s breast… that is naked bird flesh, right? Chuck 😉 did you have that heron for dinner? I’m clueless, as usual. Thanks for deciding I win, but I don’t understand how.
Oh brother. I would have guessed a shirt.
I agree with my cousin…the real beauty of this plunger is that it can also be used as a feather duster…how sweet is that?!?
Whoa. Cool! I never win anything. And, somehow it seems fitting that the one thing I do win is a guessing game where the answer is a heron, but I guessed an alien two different types of animals, a coat, and a plunger.
I do sorta see the resemblance to a plunger…
Jill sent me…
Now hold on one minute here. How did you get close enough to the heron for that shot???????
I’m going to win next time. I vow this now!!!!
Justine 😮 )
Darn! Sharky beat me AGAIN! Man, she’s good. Sigh. These are hard, Chuck! Maybe give some clues if we aren’t close in our guesses next time. I’m getting ready for the next challenge–I’ve got the encyclopedia collection out now…
You always have the coolest stuff on your blog Chuck…….I was thinking it was the close up of a bedspread, lol. I was wwaayyy off wasn’t I. I did like the Klingon guess, lol.
You’re always a brightspot Secondary Roads and guess what? I’m gonna be a first time Grandma (well a GiGi….it had better call me GiGi…..)!!!!!
Steady On
Reggie Girl