Wordless Wednesday ~ After the Blizzard

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About Chuck

I am retired after a career in electronics and in publishing. Today, my wife of 50+ years, Sylvia, and I live in a house on a hill beside a dirt road in rural west Michigan. We enjoy living in this country environment where livestock and wild life out number the human population.

15 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday ~ After the Blizzard

  1. Auntie E, I was happy with a cup of hot coffee.

    Pricilla, Your male person would love a worker like that.

    Grampy, I had left the Hartford area just before it struck and watched it from my home east of the river.

    Buggys, Sure. We're used to snow. It's not a problem now that I don't have to report somewhere for work.

    Split-Rock, I also have a friend with a truck and snow blade. He's cheaper than owning a tractor, but I still have to mow the lawn, till the garden and do some landscaping.

    Dawn, I took that last photo the next day. You can see where snow has drifted in on the north (left) side of the drive. It is a very nice setting for a house.

  2. Wow…good thing you have a tractor! That would have taken forever to shovel by hand!

  3. Very impressive photos.I remember Gloria also.I was stuck in Htfd.They wouldn't let us go.We were the Governors emergency evacuation people.The good old city bus.

  4. heh heh the male person wants one of them.
    he just has a walk behind thingie that blows snow and roto tills his garden.
    things attach and unattach.
    I am not a mechanical goat

  5. My My MY!! what a lot of snow. At least you have a tractor to help with the moving of the snow. Hope there was Hot Cocoa and cinnamon bread waiting for you at the finish.

  6. Fish, You'd love it! Especially the 4WD that pulls you through just about anything out there.

    Hitesh, If you like cold, it is fun.

    Vanilla, the two go together well.

    Lin, It was very cold. Multiple layers of clothing help deal with that. The tractor certainly earns it keep.

    Fearless, I'd rather deal with snow over the winter than a hurricane. I remember Gloria hitting us in Connecticut. My tractor is not big. You should see my neighbor's John Deere. That IS a big tractor.

    Anna, Yes, we do. At this moment, I see a few flakes floating in the air.

  7. Oh my gosh….that's a lot of snow….I have never experienced anything like a blizzard…unless I include a category 4/5 hurricane-Andrew- wonder which one's worse…
    You do look mighty interesting on top of that big green monster… The last photo is absolutely breathtaking.

  8. Wow, it looks chilly there! Brrrrr. I wouldn't mind that tractor though–looks like fun. 🙂

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