Wordless Wednesday ~ Sunset & Textures

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About Chuck

I am retired after a career in electronics and in publishing. Today, my wife of 50+ years, Sylvia, and I live in a house on a hill beside a dirt road in rural west Michigan. We enjoy living in this country environment where livestock and wild life out number the human population.

11 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday ~ Sunset & Textures

  1. These are awesome, chuck. I love what you can do with photo software. Very cool. I actually like the last one the best. Fantastic shot.

  2. Pricilla, I'm so with you girl . . .

    Shark, That's a dahlia used for the texture.

    Lydia, Thanks.

    Grampy, Me too, but it looks like we're in the minority.

    Mommy, I chose that texture because my wife, Sylvia, is a hobby painter.

  3. I love the sunset. Probably 'cause I am not an early riser and I never see the sunrise.

  4. FishHawk, Yes, I took it last week.

    Vanilla, Thanks.

    Jo, Yes, I know you love texture and seeing what you've done inspired me to try it too. FWIW, you do much better than I do. I'm really glad that you've shared so many excellent shots and renderings on your blog.
    The canvas look is based on Sylvia's paintings. The third photo uses a dahlia for the texture.

  5. I actually like the untouched one the best, but they are all great. Did you take that picture?

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