B A I K !

Have you seen those letter (B-A-I-K) before?  According to the story, a fellow was wearing a large badge with those very letter on it.  When asked what it meant, he replied, “It stands for Boy Am I Konfuzed!  The questioner then said, “But confused isn’t spelled with a K.”  The response came quickly.  Well that shows just how confused I am.”

I was here in the office sitting at the computer.  Sylvia was doing something in the kitchen.  As I surfed the Web, I heard a loud thump.  I ran to kitchen to see if Sylvia was okay.  She was, and she hadn’t heard a thing.

I returned to the office and looked out the window.  That’s when I saw this . . .

A ring-necked pheasant had apparently flew into the side of the house.  I captured this picture and then left the office heading for a closer window.  When I arrived, he was gone.

I’m still trying to figure out why he did that. :thinker:   Maybe it was part of a fraternity initiation rite.  What do you think?  Do birds even do things like that?