Late Afternoon

Late afternoon is a pleasant time of day, perhaps the best.  I like that time of the day.  However, it’s not the best time of day to take pictures.  Nevertheless, I had to try yesterday.  My closeup photos were out of focus.  I finally remembered how to setup the camera for macro shots.  I had to try.

Another variety of daffodil bursts forth in glorious splendor

Another variety of daffodil bursts forth in glorious splendor

It worked!  You can see the purple-blue blossoms in the back.  We call them myrtle, others call them vinca.  In England it would be called periwinkle.

I love the richness of the color

I love the richness of the color

Sylvia returned home today.  Hooray!  Nellie and I are happy.

I was going to report that last Friday, as I was returning from the endodontist, I saw a golden eagle less than three miles from home.  It took to wing as I approached and I got an excellent close-up view.  No camera, besides I was driving–it wouldn’t have worked if I had the camera with me.

I only see a golden eagle here in the neighborhood a couple of times a year.  It is always a happy day for me when I do.