After the Storm

I had planned to post this a couple of days ago, but life intervened.  Has that ever happened to you?

A week ago (Saturday after the hail storm), I went out to check the garden.  Here’s what I found:


Tomatoes were damaged, but will survive.


Zucchini had tattered leaves, broken stems and fruit decorated with hail pox.  We’ll have more than enough for our own use, and will give away more than half the harvest.

I had sent some home home with son, Bryant, on Sunday.  When he met me for lunch on Thursday he gave me a loaf of chocolate zucchini bread that Barbara had made.  As he handed it to me he said, “Barbara wanted to return some of that zucchini to you.”  I thanked him and assured him I’d be glad to “lend” Barbara as much of that as she would like. :food:


Poor rhubarb!  Look at the lace-doily leaves.  Lots of bruises on the stalks.  Nevertheless, there should be plenty for pies and jams.

I’d show you a photo of my habenero peppers, but I don’t even want to think about the damage they suffered.  😥   Maybe if I do enjoy a harvest from those plants, I’ll show you before and after shots.