Autumnal Gold

We’re a couple days past Labor Day.  For most Michiganians, That means summer is over.  Astronomically speaking, we have a couple of weeks left, but the air is cool and it’s time to wear a jacket when you go outside.

I’ve always liked this time of year.  The earth is still warm–though the air is cool and fresh.  Since my last post, I celebrated another birthday.  Later this week, Sylvia and I will celebrate another anniversary.  What’s not to like?

Step out the door, and find Stella’s gold.


If that’s too “gold” for you, let’s add some orange and red.


Now bring in the full orchestra (of colors).


Perhaps this last picture captures the way I feel today.  Blue.  How can that be with all the motives for joy?

Tonight, we’ll meet with Sylvia’s sibling to celebrate 100th anniversary of her father’s birth.  It had been a long tradition to gather to celebrate with him.  So we’ll do it on this milestone–even though he won’t be physically present.  Also.

Last evening, I learned that my good friend, Cliff, (age 55) has been diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer.  I can only pray for him, his wife and two grown children.

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About Chuck

I am retired after a career in electronics and in publishing. Today, my wife of 50+ years, Sylvia, and I live in a house on a hill beside a dirt road in rural west Michigan. We enjoy living in this country environment where livestock and wild life out number the human population.

12 thoughts on “Autumnal Gold

  1. I’m sorry to hear about your friend’s diagnosis. I will join you in praying for his family. My aunt just lost her husband of 60 years. I called yesterday, and even though it’s been about three weeks now, she still can’t say his name w/o crying. Luckily she has so much support around her, including their three daughters and in-laws who all (but one) live close by.

    Happy Anniversary to you and Sylvia!! :awe: And Happy Belated Birthday to you!! :dance:

    Loving your flowers!! I always like this time of year in Michigan too. 🙂 In fact, I liked every season but winter, but I hated winter so much that it pretty much trumped a lot things for me (black ice spun me on the highway at two different times, and I never really recovered being scared while driving in the winter). 🙂 All good now, I’m back home w/the hurricanes, lol. 😉 :hkitty:

    • Thanks for the prayers.

      We had a great anniversary. Also, rediscovered a place that we like. The food is great, as is the service. It’s also quiet enough to have a good conversation.

      I hate our winters, but as a native Michiganian, I’ve learned to cope with it. Fortunately, at this stage in my life I just stay home when the roads are bad.

  2. Well, I can only imagine your “this time of year”.
    But the flowers are beautiful, especially gold in the orange.
    They add colours to our life.

    • It is a much different climate where you live. Here in Michigan, we are coming to the end of summer and air temperatures are starting to cool, the sun still feels warm and the earth is warm. In three months, we will have cold weather and snow.

  3. I love this time of year—the sun is warm, the air is cool…and you don’t need air conditioning or heat! The flowers are bursting with their final push of color and I am watching the frogs go crazy chasing the flies, bees, butterflies and other assorted flying things. I am also excited to wear that new jacket I bought. Ah, yes…it is a good time of year.

    I am very sorry to hear about your friend, Cliff. That is very sad…and such a young age too. I will add him and his family to my prayers.

    • It is a wonderful time of year. Thanks for adding Cliff to your prayers. My heart aches to see good friends face this horrendous situation. I’m praying for some dragon slaying.

  4. If we read the news about all the “stuff” that’s going on in the world today, it’s enough to make us feel “blue”; but your beautiful flower pictures with gorgeous colors wakes us up and makes us feel more positive !! Thanks !!

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