Another Trip Around the Sun Completed

I was checking out songs to post on Saturdays here on Secondary Roads when I came across Letter to Me by Brad Paisley.  I enjoy almost everything Brad sings so I clicked on the link.  Here’s Brad’s song:

What a concept!  What would I write if I could write a letter to me 53 years ago on my 17th birthday?  I had to think about it–but not for long.  Senior year of High School would start in another week.
I’d say to myself,
“In a couple of weeks you are going to work Saturday on Norman Simpson’s farm filling silo.  You will come home feeling more tired than you ever have before.  But eat supper, bathe and go to the birthday celebration for your friend, Mel.  Don’t miss it!  You’ll meet some new folks there.  Three of them are sisters, and while you won’t take particular notice of the youngest early on, you will think you are madly in love with her by the time the evening is over.  You will think that, but you will be wrong and you will spend the rest of your life caught up in the wonder of how much love can grow and expand.  Yes, you will marry her.
You will make some poor choices along the way, but don’t worry.  Everything will turn out just as it should be.  Wait until you see your sons.  And your red-haired granddaughter is going to make you ‘button-popping proud.’
Don’t worry about missing the senior trip to Washington DC.  You’ll go there a few times later and see the sights including some things that you’ll be asked not to talk about.  You wont.  You’ll also make an ex-parte presentation before a federal commission.  Don’t worry, it’s a Latin phrase and you’ll find out what it means later.
Be careful of your back.  It will give you trouble later in life.  Enjoy yourself and I’ll see you in the mirror.”
I recently read that the secret to staying young was to remember your passions and forget your birthdays.  That seems like good advice to me.  What do you think?  And what would you write in a letter to yourself?
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About Chuck

I am retired after a career in electronics and in publishing. Today, my wife of 50+ years, Sylvia, and I live in a house on a hill beside a dirt road in rural west Michigan. We enjoy living in this country environment where livestock and wild life out number the human population.

5 thoughts on “Another Trip Around the Sun Completed

  1. Wow, Chuck! Happy Birthday, big boy! lol. I wish you many happy returns. 🙂 I'm one of the many, many blessed people who have gotten to know you as a dear friend.

    That letter idea is charming. Maybe I'll write one, lol.

    Have a terrific day, don't eat too much cake! 😉

  2. A Big Seven-oh! I sorta recall in the mists of the ancient memory that that one was pretty special for me. I hope that it is for you as well! Happy Birthday, Chuck.

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