Busy Monday

A pain attack in the middle of the night woke me in the middle of the night. 🙁   Sunday morning, my foot was all red and puffy.  It was not a good day.

Today, I saw Dr Dave and he says it looks like gout.  The X-ray images show that the foot is healing nicely.  But those images won’t show gout or infection.  I’m now taking an antibiotic and an anti-gout med.

It was around 3 PM when the power went out today.  A few moments later the generator kicked in.  We waited for the power to be restored.  Around 4 PM I looked out the window toward the barn and saw this:

This is where the power comes to our house. What is wrong with this picture?

A short had developed and had started a fire on the pole.  A crew of two arrived by 6 PM.  They disconnected us from the main line and restored power to the neighborhood.

By 7 PM the guys had rearranged the power entrance components on the pole and shortly after had us back in business.  It has been an eventful day.


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About Chuck

I am retired after a career in electronics and in publishing. Today, my wife of 50+ years, Sylvia, and I live in a house on a hill beside a dirt road in rural west Michigan. We enjoy living in this country environment where livestock and wild life out number the human population.

12 thoughts on “Busy Monday

  1. Gout on top of surgery: insult to injury. Gout is bad enough by itself. I know this all too well. Hurry up with the healing, already.

  2. Your pole was way worse than the leaning pole here that was worrying me. Glad you’re back up and in business.

    I’m really, really sorry to hear about the gout. I hope that doesn’t visit for long. Some visitors are just not welcome. :stop:

  3. I am glad you are safe! I saw you had some company with heavy artillery. They must have restored the power just before I got home.

    • We were safe. When the pole failed and fell, it tripped the fuse at Clarksville Rd. You had power about an hour before we did. 8)

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