Midnight 2009 – 2012
Today, I find myself thinking about my little buddy. This kind of day is one where I would get comfortable in the recliner and Midnight would cuddle up to me. Then we’d both take a cat nap. I’d like that right now.
Midnight 2009 – 2012
Today, I find myself thinking about my little buddy. This kind of day is one where I would get comfortable in the recliner and Midnight would cuddle up to me. Then we’d both take a cat nap. I’d like that right now.
I’m going to try to write this on Sunday afternoon for posting on Monday. Sylvia is reading a book while relaxing in her recliner after our walk together.
Midnight was born probably in late March of 2009. (We don’t know the exact date, so I have celebrated his birthday on the first of April. I do things like that. ;)) His mother, a feral calico cat we called Checkers, gave birth to a litter of kittens in neighbor Meghan’s barn. When the kittens were a little older, Checkers moved four of them to our barn, which was her home. Sylvia and I enjoyed watching the little ones when they would come out to play with their mom and with each other.
Fall came and so did a strange queen. I don’t know where she came from, but she was ready to pick a fight with anyone or anything. One afternoon, I heard a terrible sound and looked out to see that queen attacking Checkers, and the fur was flying. It was all Checkers’ fur. Checkers was driven off and we didn’t see her for several months.
The kittens were never to be seen again either. That is except for a little guy that was mostly black. To tell the truth, he didn’t seem to be the cutest kitten of the litter, but he was the only one left. We didn’t see him for a while. Every day Sylvia or I would put out food and water for feral cats in our barn.
One day, Sylvia came back from feeding the cats and reported that the queen had hissed at her and acted aggressively. I decided put an end to that and did. (Don’t ask! And don’t mess with Sylvia.)
Then Midnight appeared we fed him and watched him play as the days got shorter and the air got cooler. He was a lonely little fellow. He would play with an old stick he found laying on the driveway.
That little guy would pick that stick up in his mouth and carry it around and play with it. He seemed to never tire of his “friend.” We could tell that he was lonely. Whereas he would run and hide when Mama had been around, he now would come running up to us wanting our attention and affection. How can you not love on a cute kitten like that. (By then, he had become cute to us.)
A major storm and cold snap was forecast for the night of December 3, 2009. I said something to Sylvia about the poor kitten out in the barn not being likely to survive being alone in the cold weather. She thought briefly then spoke, “Let’s bring him in.” We did that the same afternoon.
Our life changed radically that day. We are glad that it did. Midnight spent many evening stretched out beside Sylvia in her recliner as she read a book or watched TV. He bonded very well with me. We had many a nap together. We would play peek and chase games. One his favorites was to bat a ping pong ball back and forth with me. He loved to play “Horse in the house.” The day before he came down sick he was particularly crazy playing that rambunctious game.
So many of you have expressed sympathy and have even said prayers. Sylvia and I appreciate that. Our thanks to two very special friends who even posted their tributes to midnight. Thanks Lin and thanks Rebecca. We feel the love.
I’ve written plenty about him on various Mondays. If you’ve been around here for a while you are well acquainted with Midnight. He’s gone now. But the memory lingers.
Midnight started his day yesterday as usual. By afternoon, he was acting listless. He spoke a plaintiff “Meeooow” to Sylvia as she walked past him. He barely touched his afternoon food. He was obviously not feeling well. 🙁 In the evening, Sylvia and I found some time to watch some TV. I became concerned when kitty didn’t join us. He always wants to be with us when we settle in the recliners. But not last evening.
I went to look for Midnight and found him on the bottom step of the basement stairs. He looked so sad. 🙁 I went down and sat beside him. He didn’t react. (He normally nuzzles me at times like that.) When I tried to pet him, he gave a mournful moan and walked away. I left him in the basement. (He spends his night there and it is his getaway place.)
He’s neither hungry nor happy this morning. I sure hope he gets to feeling better.
Midnight likes his shelf. It was a gift to him from my sister, Clara. He loves to relax on this comfy platform and look out the window. It’s even better when I open the window to let in some fresh air for my little buddy. While I type at the keyboard or listen to an audio book (I’m currently listening to The Fellowship of the Ring, having just listened to The Hobbit), Midnight relaxes and enjoys the view. He is really good at that first part–relaxing.
I frequently call him a lazy boy, but he just yawns at me. Sometimes when he’s doing his thing in front of the window, I take the hint and nod off for a cat nap here in front of the computer monitor. One more reason why I don’t have an Internet cam on this machine. 🙂
Later, we are apt to take turns chasing one another around the house. Sometimes we bat a ping pong ball around as we take turns chasing it down and then send it flying at one another. Those are fun times. I feel the need for a cat nap coming on. Here Kitty, Kitty.
I’m sitting in the recliner and watching something on TV (probably a NASCAR race). I’ve been there for a while and am beginning to feel a need for a stretch and a fresh glass of water. That’s when Midnight decides it’s time to give me some attention. So it’s hop on my lap, give me “the look,” settle down and settle in. What’s with that?
If I’m content to just set there and veg in front of the boob tube, that’s when he decides it is time for him to eat. It doesn’t matter what the clock says, he thinks it’s time to eat. And he tells me so in his own pussy cat way.
Once in a while, the planets align and he comes to settle in when I’m content to veg. Those are good times. I even keep a comb beside my chair to groom my little buddy at time like these. (It’s not used on my head, because it is not needed there.) Sometimes we even nod off and enjoy a nap. I like that. 🙂
The [nearly] two-week stretch of record high temperatures has finally given way to cooler air–closer to seasonal norms. That’s a relief for those of us whose bodies were still in a “winter mode.” (That does sound better than hibernating, doesn’t it?)
It’s also a relief for Midnight and me to have Sylvia back after a 10-day absence. While she was in Florida visiting family, Midnight was never far from me. (Perhaps he didn’t want me to escape as she had.) Now that she’s back he’s content and I haven’t seen him since feeding time this morning.
Last week as I sat here last week he laid beside me on the computer desk where he could look out the window. The sun came out and the effect was stunning! His black fur fur took on a transformed appearance. I reached for my camera and captured the image above.
Another time last week, I was so engrossed in moving the church Web presence from MS Windows to Linux servers that I forgot my hungry kitty. I wasn’t paying attention. He cured that by standing on his rear legs and gently touching my elbow with his teeth. It wasn’t a bite, but it did get my attention. Immediately!
For the first time in 12 years there are swans about a quarter-mile from here. It’s neat to see them. Most of the warm-weather feathered friends are back in the neighborhood. To me the sure sign of spring is the red-winged blackbirds nesting in the cattails on our lower lawn. They are now here. Life is good.
I have a little helper who loves to play with me,
And when he get’s in front of me I can’t see my TV monitor.
Sometimes, it’s funny (when I’m just relaxing and surfing, for example). At other times it is not (when I’m working on a project and trying to get it done now). That’s also when I usually tell kitty that he “makes a better door than he does a window.” Some times he shrugs (well sort of . . .) and walks away. Other times he only get annoyed and then he let me know that he is annoyed.
Why does he do that? Is he really interested in what’s on that monitor. I know, I’m silly for even asking such a question.
Too much time here at the computer is keeping my hand and wrist a bit sore. Fortunately, the NSAID (non-steroidal anti inflammatory drug) that I take to ease arthritis pain also helps control the discomfort in my hand and wrist. 🙂
I’m still tweaking on this blog, but everything else from the Web hosting switch is completed and working well. That’s on the home front.
I’m going to take it easy with rest and recuperation for the rest of this week. Next week, I’ll start all over with a Web hosting switch for the church. It should be a bit easier since I’m a bit further up the learning curve. 😉
I still visit your blogs, but am not commenting as often as I’d like to :(, but I promise to do better in the near future. At least that’s my intent. Midnight says, “Puuurrrrr.”
P.S. – As I was finishing this post, Midnight positioned himself between me and the monitor. I leaned to one side and was able to complete this.
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Wanted: Caption What would you suggest? |
Mondays here on Secondary Roads are frequently devoted to tales of our cat, Midnight. He was a feral kitten that lived in our barn with his mother and three litter mates. And then he lived alone in our barn. It was early December and bad weather was coming. That cute little kitten would not survive the winter living alone in an unheated barn. We brought him into our house and did the things you need to do to make him fit to live with us and to make our house a suitable home for that cute little guy.
He was lonely. His mom had been driven off in a very nasty cat fight. His litter mates had been killed. Midnight survived, but his tail was badly broken in four places. It did not heal straight, and so his tail resembles a bent and busted corkscrew. I sometimes refer to him as Mr. Funky Tail. He doesn’t seem to mind at all.
Midnight was about 8-months old when we brought him in the house. He was a bit wild at first. Over time he has calmed down and grown increasingly attached to Sylvia and to me.
This morning, we are meeting with our tax man. I’m hoping we walk away after hearing good news. The bank balance isn’t up to taking a big hit–and it shouldn’t. This man and our financial adviser have saved us a lot of money.
Speaking of the financial adviser, we meet with him on Wednesday morning. With the markets being up (almost back from the most recent long slide), we should receive good news then.
My happiness does not depend on taxes and finances. They will be what they will be. What more wealth does a body need than a loving family and a peaceful and happy home? Thank God I have both.
My day usually ends the same way. Just before retiring to the bedroom, I ask Midnight if he wants a treat. It took a while for my little buddy to learn the routine. Now he make a noise in his throat that sounds like, “Yup!” It is his acknowledgement to me that he hears what I’m saying. At times he is vocal, and he is doing well at training me to understand him. I often suspect that he thinks I’m a slow learner.
I walk to where the treats are near the basement stairs. He was frequently hesitant in the beginning, but now he races me to basement stairs. (He will spend the night in the basement as he has since his first day in the house.) I give him a few treats, say goodnight and shut the door. I’ll see him again in the morning. He has all the kitty amenities in his heated basement. I don’t get awakened at 5 AM by a hungry or playful cat. It works well for all of us.
Recently, we tried a different brand of treats. I noticed as I opened the jar that the plastic was lighter than our usual brand. I wasn’t concerned and Midnight seemed to really enjoy his bedtime snack.
The second night, I spoke to Midnight and we headed toward the stairs. The treat jar was gone. Then I saw it on the floor.
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Teeth marks in the plastic jar |
On the jar, there were signs of an attempted break-in. Who could the culprit be? Yes, I know that you already know. We both do.
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A fang has punctured the treat jar |
Look! Toward the bottom of the jar somebody made a hole in the treat jar. Could it be a nail? Must be a fang from a ferocious feline that created that crater. I reached down and picked up the jar. The top is thinner, and so the attack centered there.
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Midnight left his mark here |
Unfortunately for Midnight, his attack failed to achieve access to the kitty treats. I was left with no doubt that he liked loved the new brand.
The original jar was not going to stand up to repeated attacks, so I put them in a more sturdy container. I’m a spoil sport and kill joy.
Midnight loves to be in the thick of the action. One only has to start a project and he is there to lend a hand paw. I expect that before I finish composing this post, my little buddy will be sitting in my lap wanting some loving. He will get what he wants. I’m easy that way.
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Midnight likes my lap |
If I don’t respond to his presence, he put his front paws on my chest and nuzzles my chin. How can I ignore that? Why would I want to? When he is back on my lap, and I start to pet him he raises his rear end up as high as he can while standing on tippy paws. The front end stays hunkered down so his spine looks like an old-fashioned child’s playground slide. When I lift my hand from his back, he sometimes over-balances and slides off my leg and onto the floor. Of course, he then acts like it is exactly what he meant to do. Kitty will not be denied his dignity!
I’m late posting this morning. My plan was to prepare this yesterday (Sunday evening) and set it to post at 3 AM. First step was retrieve the photo from the camera. SD card from the camera in hand, I reached for the card reader. Fumbled for the card reader. Searched for the card reader. I usually keep it in the top tray of organizer stack. (See upper right of photo.) Not there. Not anywhere. Oh well . . .
This morning, I started looking again. No luck. I gave up and started working on another idea. Just above the organizer stack is a compartment in my desk that has a frosted glass door. (Upper right of photo.) I opened it to find . . . not what I was looking for at that moment. I did find the card reader. Why did I put it there? Silly old man.
I’ve made a change on comments. When you post a comment it will no longer open a pop-up window. I had to do that to use a new feature on Blogger–threaded comments. I will now be able to comment on your comments. If you are using Blogger, read about it here: http://buzz.blogger.com/.
I’ve changed the comments back to the way they were. A couple of friends reported that it was much slower, and that is not good. Thanks for the feedback folks.