Ah, Spring and You Know What Happens

We had sustained heavy winds.  Gusts topped 62 MPH here in the county.  Large portions of the state lost power.  Reinforcements arrived to help local crews restore electricity.

Locals theorize that it was an out-of-state crew that drove onto the shoulder to let another vehicle pass and that’s what caused the furrow beside our road.  I’m not sure, but it did leave a large scar.



In another sign of spring, the turkey buzzards are back since last week.  I enjoy watching them soar around the neighborhood.

While you might see them around here anytime of year, I was also glad to see a flock of 14 adult turkeys this morning.  I was in the car and had no camera.  Oh well, life frequently works out like that.



Did I sleep through summer?  Yesterday began with snow on the ground.  Later, more was falling from the sky.  (Didn’t get pix of that.)


As I write this, the temp is in the sixties F (abt 17 C) and Sylvia is working in the flower beds.

Why snow on May 15?  Perhaps it was the aftermath of our mild winter?

If one wishes to complain, there is always a reason to be found.  If, on the other hand, one wishes to be joyful there are abundant motives for that.

The Beat Goes On

Yesterday, I posted a pic of April snow.  Before going to bed, I snapped another shot of the scene.

April 8, 2015

April 8, 2015

This morning I woke to discover a fluffy layer of snow covering the entire neighborhood.  I want to go back into hibernation and wake when it’s over.  Okay?

Who Forgot?

April 8, 2016

April 8, 2016

I think someone failed to issue the memo.  It is April.  We’ve already had a snowy week, and now were in the second week.  More to come, but the long-term outlook is for warmer air and clearer skies.  Okay bring it on.  I can stand it.

Today is our younger son’s birthday.  Here’s wishing you all the best, Scott.




Looking Back

I’ve looked and looked, but it appears that our final crocus is gone. :no:  I remember what a joyful harbinger of spring they were.  Here are some pix from 6 years ago.

Note to self: Plant crocus this year.  Perhaps add hyacinth.

Basket Basking

Today, the first of May, our friend, Vanilla, re-posted an article on May baskets.  Read it here.

This morning, we awoke to the sound of a vehicle on the driveway.  Then we heard a [child’s?] voice saying something.  Sylvia went to see what was happening, but the driveway was empty.  Well, almost empty.  There was a basket sitting in front of our door.

A surprise May Basket!

A surprise May Basket!

It is an understatement to say that we were deeply moved by this lovely display of affection.  Smiley face wrap held some cookies with a note attached.

A beautiful sentiment!

A beautiful sentiment!

The note reads: “May your days be as beautiful as the buds of May. ~ Happy May Day!”

Heartfelt thanks to our visitor[s].  You made our day brighter and better.

In further celebration, a second tulip had opened this morning and a third may open before the day ends.  Yes it’s a beautiful day!  Here’s hoping yours is even better.

Fairy Dust?

What do you think it is?



Fairy dust?  Saw dust?  Pollen?

Today, I stepped out the door to place an outgoing letter in the mailbox.  I had taken only a few steps when the first drops began to fall.  A little rain water never hurt anyone.  I kept walking.

I remember my mother used to collect rain water in a tub.  She wanted soft water and that’s how she got it.  She taught me that rain water is soft water.

By the time I reached the mailbox, that rain was starting to feel like hard water.  On the way back to the house, I could see the little pellets hitting the driveway ahead of me.  Snow!  No, really.  One-eighth-inch size little snow balls were hitting the ground.

As I stepped into the house, the pace picked up.  Maybe I could capture an image.  I did that.  Got two shots.

April snow upon the grass

April snow upon the grass

Like most April snows, this one didn’t last long.


I had looked and looked for our last remaining crocus to appear.  It was beginning to look like our friend had gone the way of the others.  What a sad feeling that is.

Sylvia went for a walk around the yard the other day.  When she came in, she reported that our crocus had put in a late appearance.  With camera in hand, I went out to see.

At last!

At last!

Worth waiting for, don’t you think?

A short distance away, I encountered these little beauties growing on the lawn.


I don’t know their name, but they are a welcome splash of color amid the grass.  Perhaps Sharkbytes will know what they are.  Can you help me?

On Schedule

Spring Begins

Winter bows to spring,
Grass changes from brown to green
Soon the earth will warm.

Last evening looking out my office window

Last evening looking out my office window

There is a fourth critter (rabbit) in the left foreground.  It was dusk when I shot this and it was handheld, thus the less than sharp image.

Spring Develops

Slowly days lengthen,
Warm gentle rain falls down,
Earth awakes to life.