Congratulations Briana

Tuesday was “Dessert Night” aka Awards Night for the Falcons Water Polo team. Briana received the “Coaches Award” (Sarah was voted MV Offense, Eliza, the goalie received MV Defense and Mackenzie was voted Most Improved). All the awards are voted on by teammates except the Coaches Award — Coach Jarod said some really nice things about Bree…like a leader in and out of the pool, very accurate shot, adaptable to any role.

Her stats for the just-finished season: 78 goals, 107 shots (a shot is a miss), 30 assists, 81 steals and 13 kick-outs drawn. (That means that the opposition player was sent to the penalty box or that a “free shot” from the 5-meter line was awarded to the Falcons.) Briana led the team in goals scored.

As her dad, Bryant, said, “Hey I can’t help it, I am very proud of her.” Her grandparents agree! Congratulations on a great year Briana. We’re all button-busting proud of you!

You forgot my previous comments about Briana being named “West Regional Playoff Honorable Mention” and “All Conference Honorable Mention”….Additionally she made EK All-Academic Team, and I think she will also make Academic All-State—but I haven’t heard where the line is for that yet. It gets posted after the season. I will let you know when that happens. — Bryant

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About Chuck

I am retired after a career in electronics and in publishing. Today, my wife of 50+ years, Sylvia, and I live in a house on a hill beside a dirt road in rural west Michigan. We enjoy living in this country environment where livestock and wild life out number the human population.

7 thoughts on “Congratulations Briana

  1. Wow, that’s terrific! Sounds like a talented girl, and she sure is pretty too. 🙂


  2. Whoohooo, Briana!!! Whooohooo, Chuck! What a gal. And so pretty too. I hear she is smarter than a whip to add to all of those accolades!! How very very lucky you are. 🙂

    You have every right to be proud!

  3. Her great-aunt is really proud of her, too! Way to go Briana! And, Grandpa, don’t pop all your buttons. I don’t want to hear anything about indecent exposure! 😉

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