Damp World Blues

Damp world blues?  That’s a song that I could sing today.  The day is overcast the ground is wet from overnight rain and the air is 20 degrees cooler than it was at the start of the week.  Nevertheless, I choose to find the beauty and rejoice in that.  I don’t have to look far to find that beauty.

The yellow tulip blossoms have opened

The yellow tulip blossoms have opened

The shadows tell the story.  I didn’t take these shots today.  It was earlier in the week.

Red and yellow.  Hooray!

Red and yellow. Hooray!

I feel better already.

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About Chuck

I am retired after a career in electronics and in publishing. Today, my wife of 50+ years, Sylvia, and I live in a house on a hill beside a dirt road in rural west Michigan. We enjoy living in this country environment where livestock and wild life out number the human population.

10 thoughts on “Damp World Blues

  1. Rain? That is the stuff dreams are made of. And here in DRY DRY DRY Western Kansas, dreaming of rain is all we can do. I would love to be able to complain about rain. So be glad God has blessed you with moisture from above.

    • We’ll be wanting more moisture soon enough. It’s the combination of damp and cold that puts the “clamps” on me.

      As I posted, I could sing the blues, but choose rather to find beauty in this place and in this day. I try to do that.

      I’m sorry that your region is suffering through yet another dry year. That must make it very difficult on your farmers and hard on your local/regional economy.

  2. Oh, this rain! Ugh. It’s getting old already. If the sun ever comes out and it warms up, we are gonna need a cow for the lawn.

    • I was thinking more like a heard of goats to tend our grass. However, I’ll have to let the Deere take care of it. :rolleyes:

  3. I saw some beautiful tulips today, and also tiny kittens. Did I take any pictures? Oops. Forgot that. Love tulips, and I’ll just enjoy them in others’ yards.

    • Flowers & kittens . . . now you’re talking.

      I’m glad that we still have tulips and that the bulbs haven’t been taken as food by burrowing critters. We’ve had trouble with that in the past, but not in this location.

  4. They’re pretty. We have rain a bit today yesterday. We had our first big thunderstorm of the year yesterday.

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