El Café de la Mañana ~ Morning Coffee

My morning starts with charging up and starting the coffee maker.  Today I opened up a new package of Sozo’s La Flor del Café from Guatemala.  It is a fabulous medium roast coffee that I particularly like.  Sozo owner, Rodney Hensley, describes this coffee grown by small farmers in the valley of Antigua as “Medium bodied with very mellow citric notes layered in rich velvety bittersweet chocolate.”

I cut an S-shape into the top of the zip-lock pack on the front and on the back.  It may be quicker to cut straight across, but every time thereafter my fingers fumble struggling to separate the two sides.  Not a good thing when coffee is needed.

I’m on my second pot now and feeling fine.  Life is good. 😀

Blogger bud, Rebecca also posted about coffee on The Freaky Frugalite this morning.  Her experience was much different than mine.  She had a restless night, I “slept like a log” as they say. 🙂  My coffee was wonderfully delicious her was . . . well, click on the link you know you want to do it.  Go ahead.  I dare you.

If you are interested in the way Rodney buys coffee, click here.  I pay more for this coffee than I would for supermarket brands.  I believe it is better.  Read the story and you’ll know why.

My cup is nearly dry.  Time for another refill.

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About Chuck

I am retired after a career in electronics and in publishing. Today, my wife of 50+ years, Sylvia, and I live in a house on a hill beside a dirt road in rural west Michigan. We enjoy living in this country environment where livestock and wild life out number the human population.

8 thoughts on “El Café de la Mañana ~ Morning Coffee

  1. I like Casi Cielo from Starbucks each February. It is the one time of year that I will spend an exorbitant amount of money for beans. But…oh…it’s worth it. 🙂

  2. Sozo, eh? Greek word for salvation! 🙂

    I love specialty coffee if it’s not too heavy. But with 6 of us drinking coffee all day long, it can be a tad pricey. I’ve bookmarked the coffee sites (vanilla’s, too!) and will check out the stuff. Thanks!

    Glad you got a kick out of my coffee story… it wasn’t too bad until I got to the bottom of the cup. *gag*

    • By the time you got to the bottom of the cup, the new pot should have been brewed.

      Rodney and Mindy would do that. Their faith is precious to them as ours is to us.

  3. The male person roasts his own beans. I have heard the publicist says something about “taking the paint off of cars.” I think this means they like it strong.

    I don’t drink coffee. I am naturally bright eyed

    • And I checked Midwest Coffee. Seems to be some parallels at work there. Then there’s the coffee, let us never forget the coffee. 😀

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