Fleeting Moments

It was there just a moment ago . . .

How often has it happened to you?  You see something.  It would make a fantastic image to post on your blog.  By the time you raise your camera to position, it is gone.  Or you don’t have the camera with you.

Last Sunday evening, Sylvia and I were returning home as the sun was low in the western sky.  As we approached our house, the evening sun made the house look radiant, and the antenna tower behind it seemed to be of gleaming silver.  It was a magical moment.

We drove into the drive and I parked the car in the garage, walked quickly to the office, picked up the camera and went out the front door to capture that magic in a digital image.  No joy!  In those brief seconds, the sun had started to slip behind a cloud bank.  It was just a dull scene–the magic had fled.

Our cat, Midnight, frequently does cute things, but as soon as he sees the camera, the game is over.  And I’m still trying to figure out how to photograph our games of peek and chase.

I was setting the camera up on a tripod to capture an upcoming sunset sequence.  As I was looking west, a flight of three sand hill cranes flew over at low altitude.  By the time I could get the camera aimed, they were behind a tree.  Talk about frustration.

While Sylvia was in Florida with her family earlier this year, I saw a spectacular scene in the western sky.  The sun had just set, but the sky was still glowing a navy blue color and there, hanging just above the horizon was the moon.  It was only a thin sliver. the view was striking.  Sylvia had her camera,  I took out my older camera and found the batteries had gone flat–even though I had charged them recently.  The spares were charged, but they too failed to work.  There was a gorgeous view and no way to capture an image.

I’ve since purchased new rechargeable batteries for my camera.  For that reason, I’m hoping not to experience a repeat of that particular frustration.

Does that sort of thing ever happen to you?  What do you do about it?.

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About Chuck

I am retired after a career in electronics and in publishing. Today, my wife of 50+ years, Sylvia, and I live in a house on a hill beside a dirt road in rural west Michigan. We enjoy living in this country environment where livestock and wild life out number the human population.

7 thoughts on “Fleeting Moments

  1. Happens to me as well. Now with this new camera it takes 4 batteries so I'm constantly recharging.

  2. The rechargables seem to discharge no matter whether I use them or not. Have to charge a set every few days and just remember to switch them out.

  3. Pricilla, You may be a wise goat, but you're also a bit of a rascal. That's probably why so may of us like you as we do.

    Ratty, I thought everything was fully charged, but I was wrong. The batteries were old and no longer would hold a charge for more than a couple of days. They have been replaced. No matter what we do, we will miss some shots. How I wish I could have captured an image of the golden eagle or the northern goshawk. Maybe one day . . .

  4. This happens to me all the time. My solution was to buy several sets of rechargeable batteries, and to try to keep my camera with me at all times. Even that doesn't work very much. I always just figure it wasn't meant to be, and then I hope for one more chance.

  5. Rebecca, Those were rechargeable batteries. I usually suppress the flash when shooting photos of Midnight for the very reason. Thanks for putting it in perspective.

  6. Oh that happens to me ALL THE TIME, and I even have rechargable batteries! LOL

    My cat does the funniest things, but she hates the flash of the camera… so as soon as she hears the camera lens adjust, she's outta here.

    What's nice about missing photos, as regrettable as that is sometimes, is that we then take the time to tell (or blog) about the incident. Sometimes it's more pleasant to write (or read of other's) experiences that to see a photo.

    Have a BLESSED day!

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