Foot Surgery Scheduled

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Last week, I reported on my first trip to the podiatrist.  On Wednesday, I went back for a followup.  The steroid injections in the bunions have helped, but not as much as either of us would like.

We’ve scheduled surgery on my right foot for February 6.  I have to have lab tests done and obtain a clearance from my primary car physician before surgery and the pre-surgery session with my podiatrist.

Friends and family members who have been through this have been [mostly] encouraging.  Only one story was about a woman who had one foot done and decided the pain was too much.  I am well acquainted with pain, and can handle a bit more of it.

My Weak End

Saturday morning found me with a wonky tummy and an achy body.  I missed the annual chili dinner at church.  They had cancelled the sleigh ride for lack of snow.  Looks like this week will make up for that as snow is falling and the forecaster keeps saying at least a couple of inches today with more to follow during the week.

Sunday morning wasn’t much better for me.  While Sylvia’s car whisked her off to church, our TV took me to the church of Charles Stanley in Atlanta.  We spent the afternoon listening to old time radio online via  Later, Sylvia opened the DVD of The Music Man, which she had received for her recent birthday.  Although we are familiar with some of the music, we had never seen the 1962 movie with Robert Preston and Shirley Jones.  Also in the cast were Buddy Hackett, Paul Ford and a very young Ron Howard.

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About Chuck

I am retired after a career in electronics and in publishing. Today, my wife of 50+ years, Sylvia, and I live in a house on a hill beside a dirt road in rural west Michigan. We enjoy living in this country environment where livestock and wild life out number the human population.

12 thoughts on “Foot Surgery Scheduled

  1. Charles Stanley is my absolute favorite TV preacher. I have a set of his books, but I like his preaching way better. I like several others, but I’d pick Charles over them any day. He’s on here so late at night that I rarely get to see him anymore.

    Looking forward to hearing how great your surgery goes!

    • I had the pleasure of meeting him in Connecticut. He’s on Sunday morning at the time we listen to Ravi Zacharias on the radio. He’s also on while we are at church.

      I’ll report on foot surgery progress. It will be a bit of challenge on mobility and outdoor maintenance issues, but we’ll get it done.

      FWIW, I met a beautiful gray tabby named Rosie at the animal shelter today. She is one of our prime candidates. Let’s see what happen next week.

      • I used to listen to him on the way to work everyday when we lived in FL. Very cool that you got to meet him.

        Thinking good thoughts for the surgery, and that cat’s sure got a nice name. :clap: Good luck finding the perfect new member for the fam.

  2. We got trouble right here in River City, I say trouble with a capital T and that rhymes with P– which may or may not stand for podiatrist. Hope all your treatments are successful and your pain is minimal.

    • I think it does stand for podiatrist and it is his job to make an end of such troubles. That’s my story and I’m stuck with sticking to it. :beam:

  3. Just thought I would give you a word of encouragement, since we share the same gene’s hopefully you will have as good a result to your surgery as I did. My bunions started being a problem for me about age 12 however I did not have surgery till about age 36, I had both feet done at the same time and after all those years of pain it was awsome to be able to walk pain free. I wore the special shoe/boot they give you on both feet with no trouble. Gary and I went to Niagara Falls when I still had stitches and the boots, I just followed Dr’s orders and put a plastic bag over each foot when we were near the mist. The only problem I had was fitting in time to elevate my feet for the directed amount of time during the day as that was when we had 8 kids still at home and I also had day care kids. Set your eyes on the days ahead and be strong, it won’t be long till you too can have pain free feet. Love from your sister, Barb

    • Thanks Barb!

      Clara had both of hers done at the same time too. I’ll not be doing that on advice from my podiatrist. I’m actually looking forward to having this done. Perhaps I can eventually stop hating shoes? :surrender:

    • It is a fun movie. I’m counting on getting some relief. I’m tired of being so limited in what I can do because of those feet. :beam:

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