Blowing in the Wind

Wind damage on barn.

Bitter cold, strong wind, snow.  That has been our weather this week.  On Monday I went out and scraped the light snow cover from the driveway.  It was bitter cold.

Afterward, I returned the tractor to the barn.  I shut the engine off and heard a loud rattling sound in the north end of the barn.  In the words of the song, “Just one look.  That’s all it took.”  There was a hole in the barn wall.

Outside I could see it more clearly.  The wind had whupped blown off a piece of the plastic that covers the upper wall.  I found it about 275 feet out in the neighbors cornfield behind the barn.


Sylvia is resting today after scraping the ceilings in two rooms. My job is to enforce that rest.  Otherwise the Energizer Bunny that I’m married to will be overdoing it again. 🙄

In prep for my February 6 foot surgery, I had an EKG and had blood drawn for testing this morning.  Sylvia kept me company.  Afterward, we stopped by the Lake Odessa Library where Sylvia traded one stack of books for another.

We returned home for lunch, which I was ready for after 17 hours of fasting.  That chili and corn chips hit the spot on a bitter cold day like this.

To enforce further rest after lunch, we got in the car and made a run to the Ionia County Animal Shelter.  They let us visit the kitties.  There was one fellow that wanted to start adoption proceeding immediately.  He’s a nice guy, but won’t be coming home with us later.  He has long hair, and that won’t do for us.  Lots of other guys and gals that need homes and that would be more welcome.  Stay tuned . . .

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About Chuck

I am retired after a career in electronics and in publishing. Today, my wife of 50+ years, Sylvia, and I live in a house on a hill beside a dirt road in rural west Michigan. We enjoy living in this country environment where livestock and wild life out number the human population.

11 thoughts on “Blowing in the Wind

  1. I hate when the weather comes creeping around like a mad dog! That’s a shame. I live near a river & when the wind blows if there’s no damage we thank our lucky stars & then go looking for our recycle bins & garbage cans down the street. One time our Umbrella from our table that’s on the front porch was found at the back end of our backyard. Sorry for your troubles!!! Hope all is well now! :no:

    • Thanks for the visit and the comment. Our house and barn are on high ground and so catch a lot of wind at times. I still need to repair the barn, but have gathered the material to do that.

      I’ve seen folks mount hooks or use bungy cords to keep trash and recycle containers in place.

  2. You just can’t trust the wind. Will say a pray for you and your foot surgery. God bless and don’t over do it enforcing Sylvia’s rest! :ha:

    • The missing piece is plastic and it had been there for over 20 years. Plus it probably wasn’t new when it went up. The guy who built the barn used salvaged stuff whenever possible.

      Overdo it? 😯 Never! . . . well almost never. 😉 By the end of the day Sylvia was thanking me for the relaxing day she had enjoyed.

  3. Good luck w/the surgery. And you’re right, it’s bitter cold here and then some. I was hoping for a big round of snow tonight so school would be cancelled…hubby’s car decided it doesn’t like the cold anymore and it’s sitting at the mechanic. That means me and the little one have be in the car at 5:45 am to get hubby to work before we get ready for school this a’way. Double brr.

    Sorry about the barn, I hope insurance covers it and nothing gets ruined inside!

    I’m w/your wife on the book thing, I always get a stack as tall as I am when I go. 8)

    • Thanks Rosey. Sorry about your hubby’s car, but not as much as the gal who has to be up, about and in her’s at a quarter of six in the morning. Oh, that would be you. 😯

      The barn damage is slight and there’s nothing to be damaged inside. Probably not worth filing a claim.

      • Glad to hear the damage is minimal. Our morning turned out fun…we don’t get to see dad a lot in the morning, so we took advantage of the car ride. 🙂

        Of course the roads were not bad to drive on…if they had been, I wouldn’t be touting the drive. :angel:

  4. I am soooo excited that you are thinking of getting a new cat friend. 🙂 Just think of the little life you save and how nice it will be to have a napping buddy again! My mom works at the shelter here too, so if you don’t find a good fit, G’ma Phyl is always finding nice kitties for people. She loves to place the older kitties because they get passed up for kittens all too often. We could put her on notice to look for a good one.

    • I’m trying to not get excited. :frolic: I saw several adults that would be fine friends. :awe: The only trouble we’ll have is deciding which one to bring home. :thinker:

  5. Aw… you old softie. You tried to just nonchalantly slip in that part about a kitty. Sorry about the barn though. Those fixes are no fun.

    • I did try. Just didn’t count on a Shark with an eagle eye. :surrender:

      Later this week or next it may get to the point I can actually go out there and do something about that missing piece. I have the piece, but can’t just “put it back.”

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