Happy Birthday Bryant

This is one of my favorite pictures of our older son, Bryant. Two years later, we were living in Costa Rica and Suzy Q had a new home.  While we were sad for having to leave the dog behind, there was the excitement of living in another country and learning another language and culture.  Bryant handled all of that well, as he has handled all of life’s challenges well and has come out a winner.  A winner in so many ways.

Today, he celebrates his 50th birthday.  Happy Birthday son, and many happy returns.  Your mom and dad are very proud of you and all that you are.


Yesterday, Sylvia and I met Bryant and Briana (his daughter) for lunch.  At the first bite, trouble reared its ugly head.  The temporary crown that I had been fitted with on Wednesday was loose, out and broken. 🙁  Later at the dentist office, I had that replaced with a temporary silver crown.  I’ve done that before and the silver works much better than the plastic.

Outside Work

After the dental visit, Sylvia and I loaded our trailer with well composted animal droppings.  Neighbor, Meghan, had also set out 5 gallons of llama manure.  The fresh “stuff” can be placed directly in the garden–it will not burn your plants.  We left the natural fertilizer in a corner of the garden–we’ll spread it around later.

Sylvia planted 20 asparagus plants in a trench in the garden, which I had prepared earlier.  She then planted 10 crown vetch plants on a steep slope that we hope the vetch will cover so I don’t have to mow.  She has another 10 to plant today.

While Sylvia planted, I mowed.  Time and tired (yes, pun intended) overtook us and we have more to do today.  We had supper after 8 PM last night.  Planting, mowing, fencing and more planting are on the docket for today.  Guess who sleeps well at night?

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About Chuck

I am retired after a career in electronics and in publishing. Today, my wife of 50+ years, Sylvia, and I live in a house on a hill beside a dirt road in rural west Michigan. We enjoy living in this country environment where livestock and wild life out number the human population.

9 thoughts on “Happy Birthday Bryant

  1. That is a great photo! Bryant looks like Opie from the Andy Griffith show! 😉

    The garden sounds like a BIG job. All that poop spreading?? Ugh. no thanks. I love having the fresh veggies, but I don’t like all of the work that goes along with a garden that size. I have one tomato plant on the side of the house–that’s about all I can handle. And even then, I forget to water the darn thing!!

    I really liked Rebecca’s comment on stable families weathering rough seas—I soooo agree!

  2. Thanks for the birthday wishes…and I need to point out that 50 is the new 35, so I’ve got 15 years until I am as old as you were 21 years ago. : p

  3. My husband beat your son’s age by a few months. Wow, time flies. I think a stable family environment helps children with radical culture changes.

    We still have to get the garden tilled and then planted. Hubs has had a few setbacks and I can’t till anymore (our tiller is a monster!). We hope to get to it this weekend, yay!
    Enjoy your weekend. 🙂

    • We’re on our typical garden schedule here. Today (Friday), I should finish the fence–the hard part is already done. I expect Sylvia will plant a lot of stuff today and maybe more tomorrow. Next week it’s rhubarb transplant time.
      Hope your garden plans work well.

  4. Happy birthday to Bryant! My first-born son turns fifty next week.

    Time and tired waits for no man– or gets to all men.

    • Hey Vanilla,
      Your comment was accepted. How neat is it that our sons are so close in age?

      I have the time today to finish the fence. I’ll have the tired when I’m through. Truth be told, I have enough already.

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