How Does the Cat Nap?

Last week, I talked with you about catnip.  This week,  the focus turns to cat nap.  I think I’ll need one today.  Our phone rang early this morning.  As I was about to rise, I heard Sylvia’s feet hit the floor.  I relaxed and listened to,  “Hello, hello . . .”  Sylvia was up for the day.  I tried to go back to sleep and failed in the attempt.  Later, the caller ID revealed that the call came from a young girl that we know.  She must have hit the wrong button.

So here I sit thinking about how easily Midnight seems to nod off for a bit of a snooze about anytime.  I’m not too sure, but I’ve been checking out his technique.

Look!  There he is in bright sunlight — and he’s asleep.  So perhaps the secret is if it’s not dark, make it look like it is.  Smart kitties know how to do that.  Right?

Oops.  I started to nod off and then poured my first cup of morning coffee.  I thought about curling up on a chair and throwing a paw hand over my face, but I’m to big to do that.  I’ll work on the technique later when I’m not so tired.

Are you ready for the big storm that’s coming this week?  Will you meet with your neighbors at the grocery store to see who can buy the last of the bread and milk?  Why do people do that?  Some things like that I just don’t understand . . .  Maybe I need a nap.  Just a little cat nap.

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About Chuck

I am retired after a career in electronics and in publishing. Today, my wife of 50+ years, Sylvia, and I live in a house on a hill beside a dirt road in rural west Michigan. We enjoy living in this country environment where livestock and wild life out number the human population.

6 thoughts on “How Does the Cat Nap?

  1. I'm like Midnight–I can fall asleep ANYWHERE! I even fell asleep at a Cub's game once! It's all about chillin' Chuck. 🙂

  2. We are just on the northern edge of the storm. You are supposed to get a lot more snow than we are. Get those groceries, and then just curl up with your little black heater and enjoy.

  3. Cats are marvels at sleep. I opened my sweater drawer to find Sherpa and Harry all curled up together.

    Now I have hairy sweaters.

    I'll just bake bread. heh

  4. oop… that's not "Anonymous"! It's ME, Rebecca! Haven't had my coffee yet this morning, so I'm a tad click-happy. LOL

    Have a good Monday.

  5. B-b-b-b-ig s-s-s-torm?? Again??

    I was reading up on the Blizzard of '77 the other day. It had happened Jan 28, 1977– and it's one of my vivid memories as a girl growing up in the Snowbelt of New York State. We got about 5 feet or so! I built a huge snowhouse with snow furniture.

    Midnight has it right. I wish I could fall asleep as quickly as a cat.

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