How Quickly Fades the Rose

This lovely rose started to bloom in June.

The rose was a gift to Sylvia from a friend.  Last week, the current crop of blossoms were beautiful.  This week I discovered that they had passed their prime.

A week ago this looked like the perfect rose.

I think it still looks pretty and it still looks like a rose.  It’s not one I’d present to my wife as a token of my affection.  Am I right?  And yet there is beauty in that rose.

It may be past its prime, but it is still pretty and it is still a rose.

This one too was there on the bush.  Perhaps this is a metaphor for our lives.  What do you think about that?  The rose still retains the beauty of a rose.

The blossoms on this red rose seem to fare better with time.

The mature blossom on the red rose.

You’ve probably noticed that there are folks who are like the rose.  I hope you are one of those.

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About Chuck

I am retired after a career in electronics and in publishing. Today, my wife of 50+ years, Sylvia, and I live in a house on a hill beside a dirt road in rural west Michigan. We enjoy living in this country environment where livestock and wild life out number the human population.

5 thoughts on “How Quickly Fades the Rose

  1. Vanilla, Thanks for the poem. The essential nature remains although the outward appearance morphs.

    Mike, That is the beauty that we should all strive for.

    Pricilla, You may be tired and old, but you are still a beauty in my eyes.

    Jenny, Isn't that the point? Beauty remains. I see that in the people that I know. Age changes the outward appearance but inward beauty remains visible to the end.

  2. Interesting post. I certainly pray that I am always conforming to the beauty of Christ, even more as I see the day of His coming getting closer.

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