The air too soon was frosty,
And I walked on frozen ground.
January brought no joy no thaw,
As winter clamped us in its vice,
But now it’s February and we stand in Awe.
The winter has eased its grip,
the snow and ice just melt away,
No gripes, I’ll just zip my lip.

The other day brought the first of blessed relief from the bitter cold. Unfortunately, the camera cannot handle the high contrast ratio. Reflections on the rivulets looked like sparkling diamonds. I’ll have to get a refraction grating for my camera. (If I can save some money.)
As I turned to take the mail back to the house, I heard the sound of my neighbor’s tractor. It was headed my way. Here came neighbor, Bob, and he was carrying hay.
So soon he passed with food for his cattle (aka: steak on the hoof). It’s a common sight to see this hard-working older fellow. A good man, and a fine neighbor.
How many days to spring?
Refraction grating? Geez, too high-tech for me! But you do take great pictures, so there must be something to all the gadgets, eh?
The road you live on looks sooooooooooooo beautiful and rural. I wish I could live somewhere like that, but hubby LOVES being in a subdivision. My dream is to have my own chickens, but he has nixed that idea from now until eternity. Booger.
Justine 😮 )
So funny you posted on this. We were just talking about the February Thaw last night! It’s 47 degrees here today, which is really strange. Our roads are a mess, not from all of the salt (they used so little the roads were dangerous), but because the frost underneath went so deep this year from the below zero stuff lasting so long.
Really strange, but I’m taking a walk today with the kids while I can!
I know the cold is coming back soon, but I’m sure loving the warmth and sunshine! My front yard is almost completely exposed now. Wonder how soon it will be covered again?