Let me tell you about the one that got away

In the lovely morning light, I saw him.  He was showing off his beautiful red tail atop a utility pole.  I scurried to office to retrieve my camera as excitement filled my entire being.  This would be the image to grace this blog and I was overdue for the next post.

I returned to the window with camera hanging around my neck.  I carefully raised the blinds for an unimpeded view, turned on the camera and removed the lens cap.  My hands were shaking.  So bad I had to fight to brace the camera as I zoomed in on the subject.  Beautiful!

My hands shook with excitement and I lost my subject.  Zoom out.  There he is.  Carefully . . . very carefully . . . zoom in.  Relax and control those tremors.  Control the breathing.  Gently brace the hands hold the framing and click.


Before I could finish my business, the hawk went about his.  Perhaps there was a mouse that needed companionship or something.  I don’t know.  Life seems to work that way some days.

No chance to get a pic of the pair of eagles recently spotted.  There are times when all you can do is enjoy the views.  That’s okay by me.

They don’t all elude the camera.  This shy guy didn’t.  I had to ask Sylvia to refrain from cleaning around the window while I got the camera for this one.


After posing for this portrait, the wee one scampered away before Sylvia got there with a damp dust cloth in hand.


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About Chuck

I am retired after a career in electronics and in publishing. Today, my wife of 50+ years, Sylvia, and I live in a house on a hill beside a dirt road in rural west Michigan. We enjoy living in this country environment where livestock and wild life out number the human population.

16 thoughts on “Let me tell you about the one that got away

  1. I love a wildlife photo…no matter how majestic or….not. I am not a big spider fan, but I feel much safer seeing him in your photo and not in person. It is lovely from a distance.

    Frogs are back from hibernation…I hope to get a shot of them one of these days. Like your birds…they usually disappear by the time I set up the shot. You are not alone in that frustration.

    I’m glad you are back to posting. I have missed you!

    • Good news on the frogs. I was outside last night and could hear the peepers singing for all they are worth. It was actually quite noisey. Still it’s a happy sound for me.

  2. I know the excitement and disappointment of fumbling for that shot. Missed a pileated woodpecker just so not long ago.

    As an arachnophile I have to say I am glad the lovely critter escaped Sylvia’s intentions.

  3. Spiders !!! I read that they are very helpful in getting rid of lots of unwanted insects!!! and then their are these Box Elder bugs that appear to come right thru the window glass . They can’t stand Dawn Dish soap, So when they show up next fall in the sunshine on the South side of the house, I’m afraid that they will be getting sprayed with Dawn !!!

    • That’s why I like spiders. They play their part in our world.

      Dilute your detergent with water and put it in a spray bottle. Spritz them with the sudsy water and you finish them off. Unlike us they breathe through pores in their thorax. The soapy water clogs the pores and they suffocate. At least that’s what I’ve been told.

  4. Welcome back! Have missed you!

    And yes, just enjoy the wildlife and if you’re fortunate, capture a pic or two!
    Love this anyway…it’s all about attitude!!!

    • Thanks, Joy. Yesterday, we saw the first house finch of the season. The males are so lovely with their red heads.

  5. A beautiful shot of pole and wires. Nice place for him to land next time. :dance:

    • It does require much patience to photograph wildlife. The “grab shots” are not dependable.

      Glad you love the spider. I didn’t expect that reaction, as most people intensely fear them. However, they do play their role in the grand scheme of things.

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