Lost & Found

I was scanning through images this morning when I came across this Shoe cartoon, which ran one year ago today.

I was about ready to close shop on Secondary Rds when I first saw this.  For that reason, I captured the image with the thought of featuring it in a farewell post.  The encouragement of friends plus a move to self-hosting WordPress changed my mind and renewed my commitment.

A new friend, recently passed an award along to me and this blog.  This sent me into a search of earlier awards.  As I looked at the list of those who had issued those awards, I noticed a lot of them are not currently active.  Others no longer swap blog visits and comments with me.  While some blogger buds disconnect and others leave the scene, yet others connect or enter the blogosphere.  Then there are those special friends that visit and remain.

In my first year of blogging, I spent about six hours a day in blog-related activity.  For more than 365 days there was a new posting each day on Secondary Rds.  Eventually enthusiasm that was found at the start was lost.  Later it was found again only to wane and return once more.

This time of year, I find it difficult to spend much time here at the computer.  That will surely change as warm weather gives was to cold.  Thus goes the ebb and flow, the lost and found.

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About Chuck

I am retired after a career in electronics and in publishing. Today, my wife of 50+ years, Sylvia, and I live in a house on a hill beside a dirt road in rural west Michigan. We enjoy living in this country environment where livestock and wild life out number the human population.

7 thoughts on “Lost & Found

  1. Blogging is nice. It’s easy to get too caught up in though, and I have to remember everything should have a healthy balance.

    Congrats on your award. Well deserved. :up:

  2. I think we all go through phases with blogging and like you, I slow down a lot in the summer. I want to be outside and doing stuff–I can sit and visit during the winter months.

    I’m glad that you are still blogging. I find we have a good core of blogging friends that I really enjoy. I’ve noticed a lot of my original blog friends have closed up shop, but I find new ones and the fun continues. I’m not ready to quit–I think I still have stories to tell, although I may only post every other day every now and then.

    Remember when we were doing all those “drops” way back when? Gosh, I’m glad all that work is over!

    • It was the BPM gathering that kept me going last year. I believe we’ve talked about the ups and downs before.

      So many of our friends were “Just passing through.” Some left the blogosphere and other drifted away for lack of mutual interest[s].

      I do remember all those “drops” and the “click and run” friends they brought to us. I’m pretty sure that’s how we met. Shark too.

  3. I left this huge comment via my smartphone, but unfortunately the browser crashes. 🙁 This happens far too often whenever I try to comment on blogs, and it really discourages me from leaving comments. The Blogger blogs are especially notorious for eating my comments. Still, I wanted to leave a comment so I decided to sit at the large desktop for it. 🙂

    I use my smartphone much more frequently these days, rarely enduring the rigors of a hard chair to surf the web anymore. This really restricts my commenting because it is so onerous to type comments on the tiny thing. I do visit your blog and the ol’ pals’ blogs whenever there’s an update. I just don’t comment anymore.

    I’ve considered closing out my sites. Honestly, after coming home from work and having to tackle home chores, child rearing, school chores and etc, I’m much too tired to blog. And I can’t seem to think of any good content outside of what happens at work. If anyone found out that I was blogging about work, I’d be fired!

    Anyway, I’m not ready to shut everything down, but I am starting to grow weary of things. I’ll probably keep up my main three sites, no matter what happens. I have put a lot of time and energy into them.

    • I found and responded to the comment you left on FB. I relate to your “grow weary” comment I feel that way too. And our comments parallel parts of Ecclesiastes–at least it seems like that to me. 8) :beam:

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